CanDrama - the New Generation

Toby Malone tobymalone at BELL.NET
Fri Jun 17 09:06:17 EDT 2016

Hello colleagues -

I am very pleased to announce the launch of the new CanDrama listserv, which will now be hosted at the University of Waterloo in (I’ve been assured by our excellent Computing Office) perpetuity.

As Robin as mentioned, as many subscribed addresses to the old list are now defunct, it is more sensible to ask all active members of the list to re-subscribe to the new list.  After this one simple step, there will be no change or interruption to your service, and the listserv will carry on as usual.

To re-subscribe to CanDrama, please visit the following link: <>

I imagine the UNB CanDrama will carry on for a little while with some cross-over until the list is permanently disabled at that end.  We at Waterloo will now commence discussions with Robin to negotiate the hosting of CanDrama archives at UW, although this is likely some weeks away, if not longer.

Please let me or Andy Houston (houston at <mailto:houston at>) know if there are any concerns or questions.  We would like to thank Robin for placing his faith in the Waterloo servers, and to Craig for offering a very strong alternative were we unable to leap into the breach.

Welcome to the next (and permanent) generation of CanDrama!

Toby Malone

Toby Malone, PhD
Post-Doctoral Fellow and Instructor
University of Waterloo
Department of Drama and Speech Communication
Modern Languages Building, Room 131a
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
tmalone at 

Ph: 416-892-3543 (cell)

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