[Candrama] Tenure-track job posting for the University of Victoria

Theatre Chair theatrechair at uvic.ca
Tue Mar 7 18:00:08 EST 2017



Department of Theatre, University of Victoria

RTR# 230-051

The Department of Theatre at the University of Victoria invites applications for an Assistant Professor (tenure-track) or Associate Professor (tenure-track) in pre-nineteenth-century theatre history.

The appointee will be responsible primarily for teaching pre-nineteenth-century theatre history at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The candidate will also teach theory at the graduate level. The successful candidate will be able to supervise theatre history doctoral candidates.

Candidates will have a doctoral degree and documented success teaching theatre history at a post-secondary institution.

Assistant Professor applicants should have a record of conference presentations and/or scholarly publications related to pre-nineteenth-century theatre history. Associate Professor candidates should have an established record of scholarly publications related to pre-nineteenth-century theatre history.

Both types of candidates will demonstrate the capacity to meet standards for career progression for research publications, teaching activities, and service commitments related to the department and the university.

The successful applicant will also have the ability to contribute to the growth of the curriculum. A range of topics is welcomed, including theatre historiography, Indigenous theatre, and/or transnationalism and theatre. Evidence of professional and academic creative activity is also an asset.

The appointee will have the ability to collaborate as a collegial and productive member of an outstanding team of dedicated and distinguished professors and production personnel at one of the finest teaching and performance facilities in Canada.

For more information about the Department of Theatre at the University of Victoria, please visit our website at www.finearts.uvic.ca/theatre<http://www.finearts.uvic.ca/theatre>. For more information about the University of Victoria, please visit www.opportunities.uvic.ca<http://www.opportunities.uvic.ca/>.

Faculty and Librarians at the University of Victoria are governed by the provisions of the Collective Agreement.  Members are represented by the University of Victoria Faculty Association (www.uvicfa.ca).

The University of Victoria is an equity employer and encourages applications from women, persons with disabilities, visible minorities, Indigenous peoples, people of all sexual orientations and genders, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of the university.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, in accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority.

The successful candidate will be appointed as Assistant Professor (tenure-track) or Associate Professor (tenure-track), depending on relevant experience. It is anticipated that the successful candidate will begin duties on January 1, 2018.

Applications should include a cover letter, CV, and three reference letters. Supplementary material should include hardcopies or online links to scholarly writing samples (three maximum), a statement of teaching philosophy, relevant course syllabi, and student evaluations, if available.

Please send completed applications by Friday, April 21, 2017, 4:00pm (PDT) to:

Dr. Allana C. Lindgren, Chair

Department of Theatre

University of Victoria

PO Box 1700 STN CSC

Victoria, BC


V8W 2Y2

Theatrechair at uvic.ca


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