[Candrama] Posting for listserv

anismith at telus.net anismith at telus.net
Thu Jul 30 18:23:42 EDT 2020

Searching for recordings of Sharon Pollock's radio plays

Hello.  I am going to be teaching a short on-line course for SFU's 55+ Program this fall where we will be exploring Sharon Pollock's plays.  I would love to be able to access any recordings of her radio plays.  It seems that CBC destroyed most of its archives of recordings and so I am hoping that there might be copies in people's private collections.  I would be mounting recordings on SFU's Canvas Site which would only be accessible for students enrolled in the course.

If anyone has a resource I could use or ideas to follow up on I would greatly appreciate it.

Annie Smith
anismith at telus.net

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