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2001 ACTR Conference -- Conférence de l'ARTC 2001</H1></CENTER>
<P><BR><B>ACTR celebrates its 25th Anniversary in 2001.</B>
<P>The annual conference will be held 23 to 26 of May at Université
Laval as part of the 2001 Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities.
While proposals on any topic of interest to the Association are being sought
we invite members to consider these themes:
<CENTER><B><FONT SIZE=+1>The Role of the Intellectual in Society</FONT></B>
<BR><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Language, Culture and Community</FONT></B>
<BR><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Plagues and Viruses</FONT></B></CENTER>
<P>Actors, designers, directors, playwrights and educators are particularly
encouraged to share their work in the form of workshops, performance pieces
or demonstrations.
<P>Proposals in the form of a 250-word abstract should be emailed or mailed
(5 copies please) not later than 15 December 2000 to the address below.
<P><B><FONT SIZE=+1>Francine Chaîné</FONT></B>
<BR><B>École des arts visuels</B>
<BR><B>Faculté d'amènagement, d'architecture et</B>
<BR><B>des arts visuels</B>
<BR><B>Université Laval</B>
<BR><B>Édifice La Fabrique</B>
<BR><B>Québec, Qc. G1K 7P4</B>
<BR><B>tél : 418-656-2131 # 2853</B>
<BR><B>fax:: 418-656-7678</B>
<BR><B>courriel: <A HREF="mailto:francine.chaine@arv.ulaval.ca">francine.chaine@arv.ulaval.ca</A></B></CENTER>
<P>Please note that presenters must be paid-up ACTR members at the time
of their presentations.
<P>The Association for Canadian Theatre Research is a non-profit organization
founded in 1976 to support and encourage
<BR>research in theatre and performance studies in Canada, with a special
interest in Canadian work
<P><A HREF="newslet242.htm">Bulletin ARTC/ACTR Newsletter 24.2</A>