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<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Dear Colleagues: see the last para. The
connection of Camp and Luscombe struck me as absurd. But I now think that
Salutin is making</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>some telling connections. I remain
incredulous, but I am intrigued by the argument.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Best of Spring,</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Denis.</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2> </DIV>
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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- rectangular ad ends --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><FONT
face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color=#000000 size=-1>Friday,
March 22, 2002</FONT> <FONT face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"
color=#000000 size=-1>– Page A21</FONT> <BR><BR><!-- Summary -->
<P>It is strange to go through this week, politically speaking,
without Dalton Camp, who died Monday at 81. The Alliance chose its
new leader on Wednesday, the Ontario Tories will do so Saturday. We
are left with all the commentators who are not Dalton Camp. They do
their best, but it ends up sounding like just more manoeuvring;
these could be any parties, straining for power. He wrote with a
unique sense of the rich, complex meanings of conservatism going
back to the roots of the modern era.</P><!-- /Summary -->
<P>Coverage of his death was itself a sign of this complexity. The
National Post, our most "conservative" paper, didn't mention his
death on the front page; it ran a bilious obit ("embittered . . .
contempt many Tories still held . . . questioning with increasing
helplessness") and a cranky editorial ("We are more generous by
nature than Mr. Camp") saying his views "contrasted most strongly
with our own." It always gets nastiest in the family. The Globe
noted his death on Page 1 and ran an obit inside. Dalton Camp often
referred to The Globe but only as "my morning paper," then proceeded
to take it down. Yet it really was his morning paper and I never
understood why his columns didn't appear in it. It's irritating, he
belonged here. Only The Toronto Star, where he did almost all his
writing, paid full homage: front-page story, many others inside. Yet
the Star is the most liberal (and Liberal) of our big media hoohas.
That he roosted there, and was appreciated there, is not a sign of
him having moved left but of the entire political spectrum having
moved rightward beneath him.</P>
<P>He came of age during the depression of the 1930s and the world
war that followed, which instilled in him and others, regardless of
their place on the political spectrum, a sense of the human costs of
bad politics. We currently endure a generation of callow leaders
lacking that perspective. He was the kind of conservative who once
stood for the "organic" wholeness and mutual responsibility of a
society, and opposed wrenching change or revolution that could strip
people of their sense of belonging in it. Back then, it was liberals
(now called neo-liberals) who had blind faith in the benevolent
"change" created by the free market, a faith even Adam Smith didn't
share. His friend and comrade, Hugh Segal, says Dalton Camp felt in
recent years not that he had deserted conservatism but that it had
abandoned him.</P>
<P>His version of conservatism foiled my own sense of impenetrable
barriers. He worked for the Mulroney government to pass the
free-trade agreement of the late '80s. I once viewed opposition to
that deal as a litmus test for anyone I could ever sympathize with
politically. Yet I'd be an idiot to consider him anything but an
ally and no way an enemy.</P>
<P>After he left active party politics in the '70s and began writing
columns, there began, you can argue, the best, most productive part
of his life. When he was supposed to be winding down! The finest
years, for some lucky people, really do come after 65. He took on
the voices of the new right and the neocons with their glib embrace
of the survival of the fittest. Some people felt his heart
transplant in 1993 accounted for this radicalism. I don't agree. But
it may have intensified his scorn for those who called themselves
conservative. If you're walking around because of the heart of a
young woman in you, it might well reinforce your sense of mutual
responsibility among the members of your society.</P>
<P>We never really met until last September at a journalism
conference in Regina. We drank till late and talked later. I had the
rare feeling I'd met someone I felt was older than me -- in the
sense that I could learn from his experience and (utterly
unpretentious) wisdom. Not older in any other way. He was a lot more
youthful than most people you'll ever meet. The next morning, a
Sunday, we were on a bloated panel together that went on too long.
Partway through, he rose and started off the stage. I thought it
might have to do with his bladder. But as he passed, he dropped a
note: "I have to call my bookie and lay down my bets for the NFL.
Save my seat." I know I'm only one among thousands, but I feel his
loss deeply.</P>
<P>There's been a lot said about his zest, humour, sense of fun.
There's a strong case, I think, for that sort of vitality as the
sign of a successful, as opposed to just a useful, life. But there's
more to it.</P>
<P>In Guelph last weekend, a theatre was dedicated to the memory of
director George Luscombe, a fierce and often dour social critic. A
former actor said he always included an entertainment and fun
component in his shows, as if to lighten the burden of the heavy
politics. But I think the fun is also there to remind people of what
the anger and struggle is for: to build a society in which everyone
may experience their potential for laughter and exuberance. It's the
utopian element, even if it also helps you make it through the bad
times with a grim, clenched smile. <BR><I><A
href="mailto:rsalutin@globeandmail.ca">rsalutin@globeandmail.ca</A></I></P><!-- Addendum --><!-- Revisiondate --><!-- /Revisiondate --><!-- Memo --><!-- /Memo --><!-- /Addendum --><BR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV></FONT>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial
size=2>******************************************************<BR>'If we rule the
world together then we can succeed in peace and let each other be different and
have different opinions and different cultures. If there was no diversity then
life would be boring. Imagine me looking exactly like you or acting the same
way! LIFE NEEDS difference and until we realise it then we will not achieve our
hope of world peace!"-Natasha Salter, written on the occasion of her 11th
birthday (20 November 01).</FONT></DIV>
<DIV> </DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>***************************************<BR>Denis
Salter<BR>Professor of Theatre<BR>McGill University<BR>853 Sherbrooke St
West<BR>Montréal <BR>H3A 2T6</FONT></DIV>
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