<title>SMS.ac - Invite Friend</title></head>
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<td width="70%"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#ff6600" size="4"><b> A
Friendly Invitation</b> </font>
<td align="right" width="30%"><a href="http://www.sms.ac/registration/Intro.aspx?InviteId=ol4iw4s06j0052hth5gub6y9844g438i675xqu" target="_top"><img height="45" src="http://www.sms.ac/images/email/logo.gif" width="169" border="0"></a>
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<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="2">
<b>Nadine Sivak</b> has invited you to sign up, so that you can
send FREE SMS (text messages) to each other:<BR>
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<TD width="58"></TD>
<b style="COLOR: red"><a href="http://www.sms.ac/registration/Intro.aspx?InviteId=ol4iw4s06j0052hth5gub6y9844g438i675xqu" target="_top">
Click here</a> to accept your invitation now.</b>
<tr bgColor="#ffffff">
<td colSpan="2"><img id="IMG1" height="23" alt="important" src="http://www.sms.ac/images/email/welcome_important.gif"
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<td colSpan="2" height="10"><font size="1"> </font><!-- spacer tr --></td>
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<td> </td>
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<td><b>New mobile email address for Nadine:</b> nadinesivak@sms.ac<br>
* Please note this for your records. This new email address is effective
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<TABLE height="33" cellSpacing="0" cellPadding="0" width="482" border="0" ms_1d_layout="TRUE">
<TD>By sending emails to nadinesivak@sms.ac, your friend will receive your emails on his/her mobile phone. You will get your own FREE spam-free mobile email
address too when you <A href="http://www.sms.ac/registration/Intro.aspx?InviteId=ol4iw4s06j0052hth5gub6y9844g438i675xqu">
accept your invitation</A>.</TD>
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<TD>Your friend is waiting to hear from you. Have fun at the world's most
popular mobile community - SMS.ac!</TD>
- Nadine Sivak, and your friends at SMS.ac
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<td width="5" rowSpan="99"> </td>
<td><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#ffffff" size="1">SMS.ac is a
spam-free company. This invitation was sent to you by Nadine Sivak, who
thought you would like to recieve free mobile phone text messages (SMS) using SMS.ac. </font>