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<P>This site will be of interest to researchers of Canadian cultural history. </P>
<P>Allana Lindgren</P>
<P> </P>
<P>Dance Collection Danse, which holds Canada's largest collection of dance-related documents, is pleased to announce the launch of its Nancy Lima Dent web exhibition. Dent was one of Canada's important twentieth-century modern dance choreographers. Her aesthetic was politicized by her leftist sympathies, her belief in the importance of socially aware art and her sense of nationalism. </P>
<P>The Nancy Lima Dent web exhibition is accessible two ways: </P>
<P>Go directly to the following URL <A href="javascript:ol('http://www.dcd.ca/exhibitions/limadent/limadenthome.html');">http://www.dcd.ca/exhibitions/limadent/limadenthome.html</A> </P>
<P>Follow the links from the Dance Collection Dance home page www.dcd.ca </P>
<P>click "Exhibitions" </P>
<P>click "Encore! Encore!" </P>
<P>click "Nancy Lima Dent" </P></DIV></div></html>