<TITLE>Native Performance Artists Panel</TITLE>
<FONT COLOR="#800000"><FONT FACE="Times New Roman">Please distribute widely<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#800000"><FONT FACE="Bradley Hand ITC TT-Bold"><H3>You are invited to:<BR>
</H3></FONT></FONT><FONT COLOR="#5B3D23"><FONT SIZE="5"><FONT FACE="Arial Black">Realities of Race Week at UBC<BR>
</FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT SIZE="5"><FONT FACE="Arial Black"><FONT COLOR="#800000"><BR>
</FONT></FONT></FONT><FONT COLOR="#800000"><FONT FACE="Capitals"><H3>Native Performance Artists Speak:<BR>
their work, their vision, <BR>
their relationship to contemporary culture <BR>
in Canada and the World.<BR>
<FONT COLOR="#800000"><FONT FACE="Capitals"><H3><BR>
</H3></FONT></FONT><FONT COLOR="#5B3D23"><B>Four performance/media/theatre artists have been asked to present their work in a panel format and to engage in discussion with each other and with the audience. Each panelist will present a short video of selected work and speak to their artistic process and the cultural context of their work. There will be a facilitated discussion and question and answer with the audience. A free lunch will follow.<BR>
The goals for this presentation are:<BR>
€ to provide a forum for native artists to speak about their work in an academic <BR>
€ to raise awareness within and without the Native community of the important <BR>
work of Native performance art<BR>
€ to explore the complexity of artistic voice in multi cultural contexts<BR>
€ to question assumptions about Nativeness in Canada<BR>
</B></FONT><FONT COLOR="#800000"><BR>
<FONT COLOR="#800000"><FONT FACE="Capitals"><H3>Date: Thursday, March 23<BR>
Time: Panel: 10 am to Noon <BR>
Lunch: following<BR>
</H3><B><U>Featured Artists:<BR>
</U></B>Loretta Todd - film maker<BR>
Renae Morriseau - actor, director, writer, performer<BR>
Other artists pending<BR>
</B>Art display by Annie Ross, SFU.<BR>
</B></FONT></FONT><B><FONT COLOR="#5B3D23"><FONT SIZE="2">hosted by Thtr 425A, Dept. of Theatre, Film & Creative Writing, <BR>
Greg Young-Ing & Annie Smith, Instructors</FONT></FONT><FONT COLOR="#800000"><FONT FACE="Capitals"><BR>