<TITLE>Call for Papers - Theatre Symposium</TITLE>
<FONT SIZE="2"><FONT FACE="Monaco, Courier New"><SPAN STYLE='font-size:10.0px'>CALL FOR PAPERS<BR>
APRIL 20-22, 2007<BR>
With a clear understanding that the quickest way to kill a joke is to analyze it, we announce the following Call for Papers. Comedy necessarily holds the range of human experience up for criticism, and as such, the humanity of the theatrical experience provides perhaps the best forum for the social correction implicit in most examples of the genre. Theatre Symposium 2007 will explore comedy as practiced on stage-covering the wealth of periods, locales, and styles-with the goal of deepening our understanding of the possibilities of the genre through scholarly (born of critical and practical insights) discourse. One-page paper abstracts for the 2007 Symposium may be sent to<BR>
Dr. Jay Malarcher<BR>
Editor, Theatre Symposium<BR>
Division of Theatre and Dance<BR>
Box 6111<BR>
West Virginia University<BR>
Morgantown, WV 26506-6111<BR>
Submissions by email attachment are encouraged (Word document or .pdf preferred). Selected conference papers are eligible to be considered for inclusion in the peer-reviewed journal, Theatre Symposium: A Publication of the Southeastern Theatre Conference, Volume 16. If you are interested in participating in next year’s Symposium and have a question, please contact Dr. Malarcher at <FONT COLOR="#0000FF"><U>jay.malarcher@mail.wvu.edu</U></FONT>. Deadline for abstracts: Monday, February 19, 2007. More information may be found at the SETC website: www.setc.org.<BR>
Dr. Jay Malarcher<BR>
Associate Professor of Theatre <BR>
and Dramaturg<BR>
Division of Theatre and Dance<BR>
College of Creative Arts<BR>
West Virginia University<BR>
P.O. Box 6111<BR>
Morgantown, WV 26506-6111<BR>
(304) 293-4841 x3126<BR>
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