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<pre>Please circulate this Updated ATDS CFP widely:
Submission Deadlines:
October 17th (abstracts for individual papers only: submit to Jocelyn L. Buckner at jocelynbuckner@gmail.com);
November 1st (complete panel proposals: submit to ATHE at www.athe.org)
ATHE 2015—“Je Me Souviens”: I Remember
Building on ATHE’s 2015 conference theme and recognizing the rich historic, geographic, cultural, and national characteristics of Quebec, ATDS invites papers, panels, roundtables, and alternative-format sessions that explore memory and (re)membering in American theatre and performance, past and present. Possible avenues of investigation include:
• How is “America” differently conceived by U.S. and Canadian playwrights and theatres? What communities and cultures are erased or forgotten in those narratives of nation building, e.g., re immigration, assimilation, and revolution?
• Quebec holds the histories of a diverse population of indigenous peoples. How do the theatre and performance histories/traditions/activism of these populations contribute to our understanding of an American theatre tradition?
• How do we, as theatre and performance studies educators, scholars, and artists, negotiate the slippery borders between memory, historical events, and performance on stage and in our classrooms?
• Marvin Carlson has described the theatre as a “memory machine,” a place haunted by the specter of prior performance and practice. In what ways do performances of historical events force participants and spectators to not only “recycle,” but also (re)invent the past?
• In what ways have national and indigenous theatres in the Americas dealt with “memory,” broadly conceived?
• The field of theatre and performance studies is marked with borders that must be crossed, from graduate school, to faculty appointments, to professional paths outside of the academy, to academic and arts administration. Yet the paths that artists and scholars tread are often overlooked, or forgotten. What are the road signs we miss? How can we ensure that professional paths are illuminated for others?
While ATDS encourages the submission of papers and panels addressing these questions, colleagues are invited to submit proposals that deal with other engaging topics in American theatre and drama, though preference will be given to proposals that explore the ATHE 2015 themes.
In addition to the traditional format of panels and papers, ATDS welcomes proposals for interactive, site specific, or other alternative-format presentations. Presenters submitting proposals outside of the traditional panel format are asked to be very specific in their proposals concerning the structure and number of participants so that ATHE can be advised about space/time needs. Preference will be given to ATDS members. To learn more about membership benefits, please visit the ATDS website: www.atds.org.
Additional Proposal Submission Information
Completed proposals (with all panel members assembled) must be submitted directly to ATHE (www.athe.org) by NOVEMBER 1, 2014. Please forward a copy of your completed proposal to Jocelyn L. Buckner (jocelynbuckner@gmail.com). Proposals should include all requests for audiovisual needs, conference grants, or guest passes. As a reminder, ATHE permits two presentations per participant at the conference.
Individual paper proposals may be submitted to ATDS Conference Planner, Jocelyn L. Buckner (jocelynbuckner@gmail.com), who will work group submissions into cohesive panels, but cannot guarantee inclusion. Individual proposals must be submitted to Jocelyn L. Buckner by OCTOBER 17, 2014. Abstracts (250 words) must include paper title and contact information, and must specify any AV needs. ATHE does not accept individual paper submissions, so DO NOT submit your individual proposal on the ATHE website. Individuals wishing to identify colleagues to create panels prior to the November 1st deadline should use the ATDS listserv: ATDS@LISTSERV.COFC.EDU or the new ATDS focus group page on the ATHE website: www.athe.org/group/ATDS to circulate questions or possible panel topics.
Multi-focus session proposals must be sponsored by a minimum two (2) ATHE Focus Groups and/or Committees. It is your responsibility to contact each Focus Group Conference Planner or Committee Chair prior to the submission deadline to gain approval of all sponsoring Focus Groups and/or Committees. Contact information can be found on ATHE’s website: www.athe.org.
For additional information on proposal submissions visit www.athe.org and click on the “Conference” tab.
If you wish to stop receiving email from us, you can simply remove yourself by visiting: http://www.athe.org/members/EmailOptPreferences.aspx?id=24380068&e=walsha@uwindsor.ca&h=0d202576953c5496b170204fb416d421d36489cf
Association for Theatre in Higher Education
PO Box 1290
Boulder, CO 80306</pre><br><!--end of _originalContent --></div></body></html>