<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><div>Dear Colleagues,<br><br></div>As the Membership Coordinator for CATR I often receive emails requesting help to unsubscribe from the CANDRAMA list-serve from people who no longer want to be copied on these group emails.<br><br>CATR does not run this list-serve. This list serve was developed at University of New Brunswick and does not belong to CATR. We have no administrative power over it in any way.<br><br>I've contacted UNB ITS and received an update on how to unsubscribe from CANDRAMA:<br><br> "Send an email to:<br>
<blockquote><b><font size="4" color="800080"><a href="mailto:candrama-unsubscribe-request@unb.ca" target="_blank"><span class="">candrama</span>-unsubscribe-request@unb.ca</a><br>
to automatically unsubscribe the email address from which the message
is sent; no message is required since it is an automated
process."<br><br></div>I hope this helps anyone who has had problems unsubscribing from this service or would like to unsubscribe.<br><br></div>Best,<br>Peter Kuling</div>Wilfrid Laurier University<br></div>Membership Coordinator, CATR -- <a href="http://catracrt.ca">catracrt.ca</a><br></div>