[Acocoops] Missed request

Bill Baer bill.baer at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Dec 1 16:55:55 EST 2023

Hello all,

I’ve discovered a missed ticket …
[ACOHD-4263] New user account created - Jira (atlassian.net)<https://uwaterloo.atlassian.net/browse/ACOHD-4263>

Any suggestions on how the ACO can be assured we don’t miss future tickets? This is an email to look for methods of improvement, nothing more.

I’m looking for insights before I determine a standard procedure most likely released early next week.

Cheers and have a great weekend.

William R Baer, BASc (Systems Design)
Director IT - Arts Computing Office (ACO)
Bill.Baer @ uwaterloo.ca
Cell: 905-320-0483
Home: 905-481-2986
Fongo: 289-619-3650
Bill.Baer @ gmail.com

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