[Acocoops] ACO: Decommission (Archive) Xerox Printer Reference

Jason Greatrex jgreatrex at uwaterloo.ca
Sat Aug 10 16:05:21 EDT 2024

Hi all,


I am hoping we can please decommission (archive) ACO Confluence Xerox
printer references, as the last ARTS department was shipped a Ricoh printer.


1.	Troubleshooting for Printing Issue With Word or Excel file - ACO
Help Desk - Confluence (atlassian.net)
<mailto:netzach.straker at uwaterloo.ca> @Netzach Straker I might not have
permissions to update this page?
Also noting can you please update this link:


2.	Adding Department Copier Printer to Mac - ACO Help Desk - Confluence
Department+Copier+Printer+to+Mac>  Amy - are you updating Confluence pages?
Looking to migrate the Printer List to another location..


3.	FAQ and Sample Email Responses - ACO Help Desk - Confluence
Sample+Email+Responses>  Spencer, can you please update accordingly?


4.	For transparency, I removed " Xerox copier/Workcentre" link on this
Confluence page: Labs/Printing - ACO Help Desk - Confluence (atlassian.net)



































ACO Lab Booking 


>From this WCMS page: Labs/Printing - ACO Help Desk - Confluence
inting>  under Labs/printing External Resources I have questions:


1.	Who can access this link: "Lab booking form"

a.	Is it controlled by a security group?

2.	Arts Labs:

a.	May need updating, given our recent and ongoing improvements, who is
responsible for updating?


Under our "Contact Us" Section:

1.	Can we please update our "Submit a Help Request" link:

WCMS Link Checker


Another question, in CEL we have a link checking tool we run against all our
CEL courses..does Arts perform this process against its WCMS content?  If
so, which tool do we use?





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