[Acocoops] Fwd: PSYCHIT-3615 PAS 1237 projector SOS - nothing working for PSYCH 632 class now

Bill Baer bill.baer at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Mar 26 16:06:42 EDT 2024


I believe there is already a JIRA ticket for this issue, but want to bring forward a data request.

Can someone work with say Nevil to capture the class usages of this room (PAS 1237), probably over the past two fiscal years. With the data we can determine which funds and how much funds should be required to update the room partially or fully.

Thanks, Bill

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From: Hilary Bergsieker <hburbank at uwaterloo.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2024 3:34 PM
To: Psychology IT Support <psychit at uwaterloo.ca>
Cc: Bill Baer <bill.baer at uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: Re: PSYCHIT-3615 PAS 1237 projector SOS - nothing working for PSYCH 632 class now

Thanks for the follow up. Unfortunately, today was an exceptionally bad day for technology in both PAS 3026 and 1237 — a real bummer for the last day of my PSYCH 632 class.

Gordon and I once again could not connect my laptop to the new screen in PAS 3026. Also, the bluetooth mic provided by ACO to me for hybrid teaching was only semi-functional (speaker fine but mic not working for remote students to hear)…I’m sure it was just a coincidence that it malfunctioned the same multiple projectors were acting up —  it’s otherwise been terrific and very reliable.

An ACO-associated student (co-op?) showed up at PAS 1237 half way into our scheduled lab time, but he was unable to get anything working better. The display on the podium was completely unresponsive — it could not get input from either the podium computer or my laptop — and my laptop could not connect to the projector even after rebooting the projector and my laptop and trying two different VGA-USB-C adapters on all my laptop’s ports. (Notably, my laptop connects just fine to other systems like the digital screen in PAS 3253 or the old projector in PAS 3026.) I had to once again teach using the different podium and laptop systems in tandem (so remote students could follow along in Zoom) — the same awful setup you (Michael) saw me have to use once last fall in PAS 3026.

I’ve cc’ed Bill Baer about these issues affecting PAS 1237. Afterward, students expressed surprise and disappointment that tech systems meant to support effective teaching and learning were so clearly not working properly and could not be fixed by IT support either. Really hoping that everything is fully functional before my next grad stats course in the fall.


On Mar 26, 2024, at 1:50 PM, Michael Wagoner <psychit at uwaterloo.atlassian.net> wrote:

Reply above this line.

Michael Wagoner commented:

Hi Hilary,

Sorry for the delay. I’m just now seeing this 😞

Did things ever start working? Either way I’ll let the ACO know you had troubles so they can stop by and take a look.


Michael Wagoner changed the status to Waiting for customer.

View request<https://uwaterloo.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/35/PSYCHIT-3615?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0Z3QiOiJhbm9ueW1vdXMtbGluayIsInFzaCI6ImRhMDZmYzhmNzYyNzg0NjhiZjc4OGY4NjdhYjZiYzJhNTViZGE2YWM5MTJiZGM5NWM5ZDI3MzAyZjc2OWU1ZjIiLCJpc3MiOiJzZXJ2aWNlZGVzay1qd3QtdG9rZW4taXNzdWVyIiwiY29udGV4dCI6eyJ1c2VyIjoiMTc5MTEiLCJpc3N1ZSI6IlBTWUNISVQtMzYxNSJ9LCJleHAiOjE3MTM4OTQ2MDAsImlhdCI6MTcxMTQ3NTQwMH0.MXCml8GGx7wZQLD1o-wljn0yMXfBIPTXZ6aLj2rDTfE&sda_source=notification-email> ·

This is shared with Hilary Bergsieker.

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Sent on March 26, 2024 1:50:00 PM EDT

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