The new Artsannounce mailing list

Robert W. Park rwpark at
Tue Jun 5 15:12:58 EDT 2007

To staff and faculty in the Faculty of Arts:

All staff members within Arts presently receive email addressed to 
the artsstaff mailing list (artsstaff at and all 
faculty members within Arts receive email addressed to the artsfac 
mailing list (artsfac at These two mailing lists 
were created so that important job-related information could be 
distributed rapidly and effectively.

A few other announcements have always been distributed via these two 
mailing lists, generally dealing with events, causes or opportunities 
that might be of interest to some or many staff and faculty members, 
but not related directly to the jobs of the recipients. Recently the 
number of these announcements has been rising and this has led some 
recipients to express concern over receiving such messages via the 
official mailing lists.

It is clearly desirable to have a means of disseminating information 
concerning public lectures and other kinds of events or opportunities 
that might be of interest to many of the individuals employed within 
the Faculty of Arts. However, it is equally desirable to have an 
effective means of disseminating job-related information that is 
uncluttered by messages on extraneous topics.

In order to meet both of these needs, a new email list, 
"artsannounce" (artsannounce at, has been 
created. It has been populated with the email addresses of all staff 
members and faculty members within the Faculty of Arts. However, it 
differs from the artsstaff and artsfac mailing lists in that it is 
possible to opt out of the artsannounce mailing list. At the bottom 
of every message there will be instructions on how to unsubscribe for 
staff and faculty members who do not wish to receive any of these 
non-job-related announcements. The artsannounce mailing list will be 
archived on a website so that anyone not subscribed will still be 
able to check out the announcements if they so wish.

Therefore, effective immediately, all announcements of public 
lectures, exhibits, charity events, etc., should be posted to 
artsannounce, NOT to artsstaff or artsfac. As a general rule, almost 
all the messages appropriate for posting to artsfac or artsstaff will 
be from the office of the dean or one of the associate deans. If in 
doubt, post your message to artsannounce instead. To post a message 
to the artsannounce list, simply email it to 
artsannounce at
Robert W. Park
Associate Dean, Computing, Faculty of Arts
PAS 2032; Phone (519) 888-4567 extension 35016

More information about the Artsannounce mailing list