Frances Westley - Social Innovation event

Tobi Day-Hamilton tlday at
Wed Oct 31 15:40:14 EST 2007

Earlier this year, the University of Waterloo was the proud recipient of a
$4 million grant to establish the Social Innovation Generation (SiG) at
Waterloo initiative. In July of this year, we had the pleasure of welcoming
Frances Westley to the University of Waterloo as the JW McConnell Chair in
Social Innovation.


You are invited to join us on Monday, November 12 for a public lecture with
Frances as she talks about her book Getting to Maybe and the role of the
university in social innovation.


Getting to Maybe - Social Innovation and the Role of the University

A public lecture with Dr. Frances Westley


Monday, November 12, 2007

7:00 pm

Festival Room, South Campus Hall

University of Waterloo 


This is a free event, but seating is limited. RSVP to Nico Jacklein:
njacklei at or 519-888-4567 x38214



About Frances Westley


Frances Westley joined University of Waterloo as the JW McConnell Chair in
Social Innovation in July 2007. In this role she will head up a Canada-wide
initiative in social innovation, SiG (Social Innovation Generation), a cross
sectoral partnership to build capacity for social innovation in Canada
funded by the J.W McConnell Family Foundation, University of Waterloo and
the Ontario government. Dr. Westley is a renowned scholar and consultant in
the areas of social innovation, strategies for sustainable development,
middle management and strategic change, visionary leadership and
inter-organizational collaboration. Her most recent book, Getting to Maybe
(Random House, 2006) focuses the dynamics of social innovation, and
institutional entrepreneurship in complex adaptive systems.   Experiments in
Consilience (Island Press, 2004), focuses on the dynamics of
inter-organizational and interdisciplinary collaboration in the management
of ecological and conservation problems. 


Before joining University of Waterloo, Frances Westley held the position of
Director, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies (2005-2007) at
University of Wisconsin- Madison. Other positions she has previously held
include the James McGill Professor of Strategy at McGill University's
Faculty of Management, director of the McGill-Dupont Initiative on Social
Innovation and director of the McGill-McConnell Masters program for National
Voluntary Sector leaders - an innovative executive masters customized for
the leaders of voluntary organizations across Canada. 


Frances Westley serves on numerous advisory boards including Resilience
Alliance Board of Science, Emery University School of Ecology, World
Conservation Union-Conservation Breeding Specialist Group, the Canadian
Biodiversity Institute, the Bedford Institute of Oceanography, the Stockholm
Resilience Center, the SARAS Institute and Evergreen Canada. She is on the
editorial board of several journals, including Journal of Applied Behavioral
Science and Ecology and Society. She is the recipient of several awards
including the Ulysses S. Seal award for innovation in conservation, and the
Corporate Knights Award.




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