FW: Can. Club - Can. Club - Frank Giustra, Chair, Endeavour Financial to speak September 24, plus !!

Brenda Smith bsmith at watarts.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Sep 6 13:12:35 EDT 2007

-----Original Message-----
From: Canadian Club Events [mailto:events at canadianclub.org] 
Sent: September 6, 2007 11:48 AM
To: vdimock at canadianclub.org
Subject: Can. Club - Can. Club - Frank Giustra, Chair, Endeavour Financial
to speak September 24, plus !!

New for September!!!
Mining for a Better Future: The Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth
September 24th, 2007
Frank Giustra
Chair, Endeavour Financial 
Sheraton Centre Hotel, Civic Ballroom
Tickets: $70 each/$60 members; $700 each/$600 members
In June, Frank Giustra of Vancouver joined with former President Bill
Clinton to alleviate poverty and fund sustainable development in emerging
economies with ties to mining. This effort has captured the attention of the
entire mining sector. He pledged $100 million, as well as 50 per cent of
what he will make for the rest of his life. In less than a month, dozens of
mining companies, investment houses and others who make a living from mining
here in Canada and around the world had joined the campaign that is
committed to making profound and positive changes in the lives of people in
developing countries.
Join us on Monday, September 24 as Frank discusses what motivates this sort
of individual and sector philanthropy, what he and President Clinton hope to
accomplish on the ground and how will they measure success in the years
ahead? To order tickets visit <http://www.canadianclub.org>.
Also this fall..
Searching for a Sustainable Energy Future - Season Opener!!!
September 17th, 2007
Dr. Patrick Moore
Chair & Chief Scientist, Greenspirit Strategies Ltd. 
Fairmont Royal York, Imperial Room
Tickets: $70 each/$60 members; $650 tables
Please join us on Monday, September 17th as we open our 111th season with a
challenging discussion of one of the globe's most controversial
environmental issues, nuclear energy. Dr. Moore will argue that, much of the
environmental movement, including Greenpeace, has lost its way when it comes
to nuclear power and that rather than being a poor environmental choice,
today's scientific evidence supports nuclear power as an environmentally
sound and safe choice for energy consumers around the globe. To order
tickets visit http://www.canadianclub.org.
Election Ontario 2007
September 27th, 2007
Jointly with the Empire Club of Canada
John Tory, MPP
Leader of the Ontario PC Party
Sheraton Centre Hotel, Osgoode Ballroom
Tickets: $65 each/$55 members; $650 tables
Join us on September 27th as we begin the first of our two part series for
Election Ontario 2007. John will share his vision for the province under a
PC government. Please call 416-364-2878 to order tickets.
October 3, 2007 
Hon. Dalton McGuinty
Premier of Ontario 
Fairmont Royal York Hotel, Concert Hall
Tickets: $65 each/$55 members ticket; $650 tables
Premier McGuinty joins us October 3 to outline the Liberal platform for 2007
and beyond. Please call 416-364-5590 to reserve tickets or a table. 
And don't forget..Membership 07/08 - Join now for Value Added Savings!!!
We have made some exciting changes to our membership packages for our
2007-2008 season. In addition to adding greater value to our individual
membership, we are also introducing a new corporate membership. Continue to
save $10/ticket or $100 table as well as:
.      Bring guests to our free member cocktail receptions to be held
.      Take 10% off on your 6th ticket purchase and be entered into a draw
to win FREE tickets to Club lunches.
.      Receive more than $200 in savings with our affinity partners.
.    Plus, purchase a membership by Monday, September 17th and you'll have
the chance to win 2 FREE tickets to one of our upcoming events. 
For more information or to order now please visit our website at
http://www.canadianclub.org and click on membership.
And don't forget:
Check our website frequently for updates on upcoming events. We've got lots
more terrific speakers to come this season.
To unsubscribe from this Communication please email events at canadianclub.org
with 'unsubscribe' in the subject line or call 416-364-5590. For our
complete privacy policy please visit http://www.canadianclub.org
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