FW: Applied Health Informatics Bootcamp - York University - November 2007

Brenda Smith bsmith at watarts.uwaterloo.ca
Mon Sep 10 14:30:50 EDT 2007

-----Original Message-----
From: Brenda Smith [mailto:bsmith at watarts.uwaterloo.ca] 
Sent: September 10, 2007 2:29 PM
To: 'artslistannounce at watarts.uwaterloo.ca'
Subject: FW: Applied Health Informatics Bootcamp - York University -
November 2007

-----Original Message-----
From: wihir at csg.uwaterloo.ca [mailto:wihir at csg.uwaterloo.ca] 
Sent: September 10, 2007 1:08 PM
To: Brenda Smith
Subject: Applied Health Informatics Bootcamp - York University - November

The Applied Health Informatics Bootcamp is being held November 14 - November
16, 2007 at the Schulich Executive Learning Centre, York University,
Toronto, Ontario. 

The Applied Health Informatics Bootcamp is a 2-day, intensive on-site
workshop introducing key concepts, issues and applications in Applied Health
Informatics. It will include access to over 65 hours of recorded
presentations and interactive sessions. 

When: Wednesday (evening reception), Nov. 14 - Friday, November 16, 2007
Where: Schulich Executive Learning Centre, York University, Toronto, Ontario

Registration Fee: 
By Sept. 15, 2007:$1099 + GST (includes course materials, lunch,
refreshments, dinner reception on Nov. 14, and the Online Bootcamp)

After Sept. 15, 2007 :$ 1199 + GST

      Special rates:   Group Rate (3 or more): $50 off per registration. 
                    WIHIR Members: $799. 
                    Students: $599. 

Questions? Call: 1-800-860-7901 


Participants from hospitals, healthcare organizations, industry, academia
and government attend our Bootcamps to further their education in the Health
Informatics field. Past participants have included CEO's, CIO's, IT
directors, program directors, departmental IT staff, clinical
informaticians, clinical professionals (doctors, nurses, etc.), government
executives and staff, academics, technologists, etc.
- Helps those already in the field enhance their knowledge and employment
- Provides a rapid introduction to the unique healthcare IT sector for
- Gives very actionable guidance on further learning, both self-directed and
- Provides networking opportunities among both participants and sponsors.
- Includes access to additional on-line lectures and interactive discussion
- Gives exposure to a fantastic array of HI topics, from the technical to
psycho-social aspects.
- Offers an excellent opportunity to start a lifelong learning process.

- The 2-day intensive on-site program.
- Course binder, class materials, 2 meals/day [breakfast and lunch],
refreshment breaks, a dinner reception
- The Online Bootcamp with interactive sessions and over 65 hours of
recorded presentations.

* An educational program offered by the Waterloo Institute for Health
Informatics Research, University of Waterloo, Canada

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