FW: Public lecture at WLU: "Subverting Democracy: Stolen
Elections in the American Empire"
nbirss at watarts.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Sep 14 13:51:32 EDT 2007
Hello Brenda, Alex and Anne,
I am getting overwhelmed with emails about so many announcements,
symposiums, conferences, news releases etc not only from UW depts but
from outside universities and agencies. It is becoming quite
time-consuming to even scan all these messages. Is there not another
way to reduce all these emails? I don't have time to read all these
or even pass them on and I'm sure many others would agree. Is there
a way to streamline the volume of all these announcements and emails?
Nancy Birss
At 11:53 AM 14/09/2007, Brenda Smith wrote:
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Michael Truscello [mailto:mj2trusc at artsmail.uwaterloo.ca]
>Sent: September 14, 2007 11:15 AM
>To: bsmith at watarts.uwaterloo.ca; allipper at watarts.uwaterloo.ca;
>aharris at watarts.uwaterloo.ca
>Subject: Public lecture at WLU: "Subverting Democracy: Stolen
>Elections in the American Empire"
>Hello Brenda Smith, Alexandra Lippert, and Anne Harris,
>I'm sorry if I have the wrong person or people copied on this email;
>I am a UW alum, and I now teach at WLU, and I have a public lecture
>to announce to UW Arts Faculty. Hopefully, some or all of you are
>appropriate people for this message.
>Please find attached a flyer for a public lecture by Steven F.
>Freeman of the University of Pennsylvania titled, "Subverting
>Democracy: Stolen Elections in the American Empire."
>Below is a description of Dr. Freeman and contact information for
>me. I hope you will kindly forward this message to the Faculty of
>Arts at UW. Thank you.
>Michael Truscello, Ph.D. (UW 2005)
>The Department of Communication Studies, with the co-sponsorship of the
>Department of Political Science and the Office of the Dean of Arts, is proud
>to host Dr. Steven F. Freeman on Tuesday, September 18. Dr. Freeman will be
>presenting a talk, titled "Subverting Democracy: Stolen Elections in the
>American Empire," from 4pm to 6pm in Arts Wing 1E1. Come hear the leading
>researcher into US electoral fraud discuss the evidence that the 2004
>presidential election was stolen and the evidence of Canadian complicity in
>electoral fraud in Iraq, Mexico and Haiti. Please forward the attached flyer
>to anyone who may be interested.
>Steven F. Freeman is Visiting Scholar and Affiliated Faculty in the Center
>for Organizational Dynamics, University of Pennsylvania. Since 1998, he has
>been Professor of Management at INCAE (Central American Institute of
>Business Administration), Alajuela, Costa Rica, an international MBA program
>established by Harvard University. During 2002, he was Karel Steuer Chaired
>Professor in Entrepreneurship at Universidad de San Andreas, Buenos Aires,
>Argentina. He is co-author with Joel Bleifuss of Was The 2004 Presidential
>Election Stolen? Joel Bleifuss is the editor of In These Times, where he has
>worked as an investigative reporter, columnist and editor since 1986.
>Bleifuss has had more stories on Project Censored's annual list of the "10
>Most Censored Stories" than any other journalist.
>Freeman's research on the discrepancies between exit polls and vote counts
>has already earned him some high-profile speaking engagements, including:
>"Are We a Democracy? Vote Counting in the United States." American
>Association for the Advancement of Science, San Francisco, Feb. 2007.
>"The Failure to Report Evidence of Corrupted Vote Counts in US Elections."
>Free Press National Media Reform Conference, Memphis, January 2007.
>"Black Disenfranchisement in Contemporary US Elections." Congressional Black
>Caucus Annual Legislative Conference, Washington DC, Sept. 2006.
>"Polling Bias or Corrupted Count?" American Statistical Association,
>Philadelphia, Oct. 2005.
>Freeman was invited to the ASA conference in Philadelphia to debate with
>Warren Mitofsky, who is probably the most highly regarded practitioner of
>exit polling in the US (he did the 2004 US exit polls, and has done exit
>polling for presidential elections in the US for more than thirty years, as
>well as exit polls for national elections in Russia, Mexico, and half a
>dozen other countries); by common consent Freeman triumphed in that debate.
>If you have any questions, please contact:
>Michael Truscello, Ph.D.
>Assistant Professor
>Department of Communication Studies
>Wilfrid Laurier University
>Waterloo, ON, Canada
>N2L 3C5
>(519) 884-1970 x 2501
>mtruscello at wlu.ca
>The artsannounce mailing list is to be used for announcements
>concerning public lectures and other kinds of events or
>opportunities that might be of interest to many of the individuals
>employed within the Faculty of Arts. The artsannounce mailing list
>includes all interested staff and faculty within Arts, and is
>intended to replace the artsstaff and artsfac mailing lists for these purposes.
>Anyone who does not wish to receive these kinds of announcements may
>unsubscribe from the list at any time. To unsubscribe from
>artsannounce send an empty email message to
>artsannounce-leave at artslist.uwaterloo.ca and then simply reply to
>the confirmation message. If you change your mind you can also
>re-subscribe to artsannounce via this web page:
>Archives of past postings to the artsannounce list can be found
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