FW: Art Exhibition Notice for Students and Faculty

Debbie Pallas dpallas at watarts.uwaterloo.ca
Wed Jul 2 15:07:32 EDT 2008

Greetings Arts students and faculty! 



The Falun Gong Club of the University of Waterloo presents the
Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Art Exhibit, which will be on display at
the Student Life Centre Great Hall from July 14 - 16. The opening ceremony
on July 14th at 10 am features opening remarks by the Dean of Arts Dr. Ken
S. Coates. 


This groundbreaking art exhibit illustrates the history of Falun Gong  - an
ancient Chinese tradition of meditation and self-improvement - and the power
of its three simple and universal principles of
"Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance". Yet it also depicts the grim
realities of the cruel persecution that Falun Gong is facing at the hands of
China's Communist regime. 


These paintings unfold a story of uncompromising courage; one where in the
face of the unjust winds of persecution, where freedom, dignity, and
goodness seem surely eclipsed, we see the moral convictions of the human


The "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance" art exhibit has traveled to over 50 cities
in 20 countries - including Israel, Greece, Japan, Malaysia, and Australia -
touching the lives and hearts of millions around the world.


We hope that that you can attend either the opening ceremony on Monday July
14th at 10am (and meet the Dean of Arts), or drop by sometime between
Monday-Wednesday to check out the exhibition.


If you have any questions, please free feel to send an email to
<mailto:truth.compassion.tolerance.art at gmail.com>
truth.compassion.tolerance.art at gmail.com.   


For more information about the art exhibit, please visit
<http://falunart.wizk.it/> http://falunart.wizk.it/.


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