Banana Boys - Tickets available

Brandi Gillett Woods bgillett at
Thu Oct 16 13:00:05 EDT 2008

A play by Leon Aureus adapted from the novel by UW Arts Graduate Terry Woo
Hart House Theatre, Toronto

Thursday, November 13, 2008
SHOW & TRANSPORTATION $20.00 per person
Performance begins at 8pm
Bus leaves UW at 6:15 pm

To register email bgillett at  by Thursday, November 6, 2008


Experience the journey of 5 Chinese Canadian young men (a.k.a. the 
Banana Boys - yellow on the outside, white on the inside), their trials, 
tribulations and struggle with their place in modern Canadian society.  
Just as real life, the play is unsanitized, provocative and sometimes 
even rough around the edges.

Based on the novel of the same title by Terry Woo (a University of 
Waterloo Arts grad), and produced by the professional Asian Canadian 
Theatre Company fu-Gen, Hart House Theatre is proud to make the multiple 
Dora Mavor nominated play available to audiences for an exclusive one 
week performance run

Brandi Gillett Woods CSEM, MA 

Manager, Arts Advancement Events
Arts Advancement Office
Faculty of Arts, University of Waterloo 
Phone: 519-888-4567 ext. 38242

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