A Message From Arts Senators Re: UAE Initiative

Shannon Dea sjdea at watarts.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Oct 30 13:47:34 EST 2008

Dear colleagues,

As you will have learned by now, the President and the Provost have agreed
to respond to written questions from Senators regarding the new UW campus in
the United Arab Emirates at the November Senate meeting.

There is a brief backgrounder here on the UAE initiative:

If you have any concerns about this initiative and wish one of the
undersigned Arts Senators to ask a question on your behalf, please forward
your question to us by November 10.

You may also wish to contact one of the other Senators. The full list is
here: http://www.secretariat.uwaterloo.ca/governance/senatemembership.htm


Kevin Cai (Political Science/East Asian Studies, Renison Senator),
kcai at uwaterloo.ca

Tara Collington (French Studies, Arts Senator), tcolling at uwaterloo.ca

Shannon Dea (Philosophy, Faculty-At-Large Senator), sjdea at uwaterloo.ca

Fraser Easton (English, Faculty-At-Large Senator), easton at uwaterloo.ca
John North (English, Faculty-At-Large Senator), jsnorth at uwaterloo.ca

James Skidmore (Germanic and Slavic Studies, Arts Senator),
skidmore at uwaterloo.ca
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