FW: Sandstorm Movie Announcement

Sherilee Diebold-Cooze sdiebold at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Jul 20 11:44:34 EDT 2009


The Falun Gong Club of UW and WPIRG would like to extend a warm invitation
to attend the free film screening and Q&A of Sandstorm on Tuesday July 21st
8-10pm at the Hagey Hall Humanities Theatre.  

Sandstorm is an internationally award winning film based on first-hand
accounts of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. The film
tells the story of a Chinese police officer who is trapped in a sandstorm
with a dying wife for 12 days as they grieve for their missing daughter. In
this isolation, he is tormented by flashbacks of his part in the brutal
persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. The devastating realization of his
crimes brings forth the light of hope. 

Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a traditional Chinese
self-improvement practice based on the principles of Truth, Compassion and
Tolerance. It is embraced by over 100 million people from over 80 countries
around the world. 

The Gemini award winner writer and producer Michael Mahonen will also attend
the movie showing and give a Q&A afterwards.

For more information, please visit:

www.sandstormmovie.com <http://www.sandstormmovie.com/> 

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