Complimentary Stratford Theatre tickets

Sherilee Diebold-Cooze sdiebold at
Tue May 12 10:11:16 EDT 2009

We have available to us, complimentary tickets for the following Stratford
Theatre presentations:

5/13/2009 14:00:00	Three Sisters	Tom Patterson Theatre
5/14/2009 14:00:00	Three Sisters	Tom Patterson Theatre
5/19/2009 14:00:00	Three Sisters	Tom Patterson Theatre

If you are interested in these tickets I will need the following

- full name of person
- home mailing address
- home phone
- email
- date of show
- number of tickets

I will email you back with confirmation that you do indeed have tickets held
under your name and they can be picked up at the box office on the evening
of the performance. 

Thank you.

Sherilee Diebold-Cooze
Assistant to the Dean of Arts
PAS 2401
University of Waterloo
519-888-4567 ext. 38246
E-mail: sdiebold at

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