Upcoming Noon Hour Concert

musicast at watserv1.uwaterloo.ca musicast at watserv1.uwaterloo.ca
Tue Oct 13 11:23:20 EDT 2009

Just a quick notice about our upcoming noon hour concert on Wednesday,  
October 28 featuring Sandra Tucker (soprano) and BethAnn DeSousa  
(piano).  It will be at the Conrad Grebel Chapel at 12:30 with Free  
Admission!  We look forward to seeing you there.  Please advertise as  


Sarah Brogan, Assistant
University of Waterloo Department of Music

Conrad Grebel University College, Rm 1104
140 Westmount Rd. N, Waterloo, Ontario  N2L 3G6
Tel: 519-885-0220 x24226   Fax: 519-885-0014

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