Wubnig prize announcement redux

Shannon Dea sjdea at watarts.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Oct 23 10:14:58 EDT 2009

Dear colleagues,

Forgive the double-posting.  This is a quick note to say that, although, in
my email to you yesterday (copied below), I only circulated the terms of
reference for the graduate Wubnig prize, there is also an undergraduate
prize, for which the terms are substantially similar.  I should have noted
that in yesterday's email.

Best regards,
Shannon Dea

Dear colleagues,

the Department of Philosophy is delighted to announce the first ever call
for nominations of student papers for the new Wubnig Prize in the History of
Philosophy.  Students who write an essay on the history of philosophy for
any course (whether or not it's a Philosophy course) are eligible to win
this prize.  Thus, for instance, a student writing a paper on the history of
Russian philosophy for the REES 271 is eligible for the award.  The contest
will be adjudicated in March 2010, but please do keep your eyes peeled for
papers that might be good candidates for this prize in your fall and winter
courses.  You may submit candidate essays by email to Professor Joseph
Novak, Acting Chair of the Department of Philosophy at jnovak at uwaterloo.ca.


1.    One prize valued at $500.00 annually, funded by an annual donation
from Dr. Judith Wubnig, will be paid out from an expendable fund account.
2.    The prize will be given to a graduate student who writes the best
essay on the History of Philosophy.
3.    The recipient will be selected by a committee of Faculty members from
the department of Philosophy.  The committee will be chaired by the
Philosophy department Chair who will also appoint the committee members.


   - No application required.
   - Faculty members will submit the best essay on the "History of
   Philosophy" from each related course to the Selection Committee who will
   choose the best essay from all the entries.
   - The Selection Committee will meet in March each year to review
   - Should the Selection Committee determine that no essay is deemed worthy
   of the prize, no award will be granted in that year.


Shannon Dea
Assistant Professor and Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies
Department of Philosophy
University of Waterloo
200 University Ave. W.
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1
(519) 888-4567 (ext. 32778)
FAX (519) 746-3097
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