Documentary Airing this Friday

Susan Gow susangow at
Thu Jun 2 14:09:35 EDT 2011

Hi All,

You are invited to a special showing of a film by Marjonneke Grech, a 
Canadian film maker, entitled "Traveling Guru: Encountering the World 
Religions in India." It is sponsored by the Centre for Dialogue and 
Spirituality in the World's Religions 
Discussion will follow.  Admission is free, but donations are welcome.

"Traveling Guru" ( is being shown 
in the Dunker Family Lounge or Renison University College Chapel Lounge 
this Friday evening (tomorrow) June 3, 2011 at 7:30pm for the UW community.

The film focuses on the work of Dr. Darrol Bryant 
( with students in 
India over the past decade. Director Marjonneke Grech recently toured 
with Dr. Bryant in India to observe him in the field with students who 
share their spiritual journey in the marvellous area of northern India. 
Our own IS thesis student, Rob McRae, joined the group in March and will 
appear in a future version of the documentary.

Dr. Bryant is a long-time friend of IS and retired professor of 
Religious Studies based at Renison University College.

Looking forward to seeing you there!


Susan C. Gow, BIS '94
519.888.4567 Ext. 32345
Skype: susan.gow4
Independent Studies ~
East Campus Hall 1103
Office Hours: M-Th 11:30am-4:30pm

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