WICI Welcomes You to the 2011-2012 Year!!

Sherilee Diebold-Cooze sdiebold at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Sep 20 12:01:55 EDT 2011

The Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation (WICI) facilitates rigorous transdisciplinary and collaborative research that promotes innovation and resilience within -- and beneficial transformation of -- the complex adaptive systems at the core of human well being in the 21st century.

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Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation<http://wici.ca>

[Description: http://new.wici.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/fullcolourlogoheader400x106.jpg]
Salutations to University of Waterloo students, faculty, and researchers!

The Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation (WICI) is pleased to announce that it has an exciting fall 2011 seminar series. These seminars are free to all interested participants.

The purpose of these seminars is to facilitate dialogue between scholars across the University of Waterloo campus, and create the opportunity for collaborative, transdisciplinary research on both theoretical and applied complex systems problems.

Themes for this semester's seminar series include social network analysis, game-theoretic models, and data visualization. Our speakers bring with them a vast array of exciting experience and interesting complexity-based conversation.

Our speaker line up is as follows:

1) Professor Shreyas Sundaram (Assistant Professor) of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
Tuesday, September 27th, 2011, 2-4pm
Title: Diffusing Information and Reaching Agreement in Networks: Convergence and Resilience
Location: Burgundy Room, University Club
Eventbrite link for tickets and registration: http://wici-sendzimir.eventbrite.com/

2) Professor Monica Cojocaru (Associate Professor) of Faculty of Mathematics, University of Guelph
Tuesday, October 25th, 2011, 2-4pm
Title: Emergent and continuous dynamics of population behaviour with applications to consumer markets
Location: EV3- 3406

3) Professor Mark Hancock (Assistant Professor) of Management Sciences, University of Waterloo
Tuesday, November 1st, 2011, 2-4pm
Title: Leveraging Physical Actions to Interact with Digital Surfaces
Location: EV3- 3406

4) Professor Kate Larson (Associate Professor) of the Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo
Tuesday, December 6th, 2011, 2-4pm
Title: Social Distance Games
Location: EV3- 4408

We welcome all new subscribers to our mailing list. Please just send an email to info at wici.ca<mailto:info at wici.ca>, with 'subscribe' in the subject header to subscribe.

We also have a new website, which can be accessed at http://wici.ca/. WICI announcements, past events, and new complexity-related research can be found on this site.

Thanks to all and we look forward to speaking with you further!

Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation (WICI)

Maria Legault, B.E.S.; Candidate for M.E.S.
Administrative Assistant, Waterloo Institute for Complexity and Innovation (WICI)
Email: mklegaul at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:mklegaul at uwaterloo.ca> or maria.legault at wici.ca<mailto:maria.legault at wici.ca>
Cell: 519-651-9006

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