NHC tomorrow

Music Assistant musicast at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Feb 14 12:47:16 EST 2012

Dear staff and faculty:
This is your open invitation to attend tomorrow's Valentine-themed noon hour concert by Elizabeth Rogalsky Lepock and Jason White.   I've included the program below.  Hope to see you there.

Frère! voyez!... Du gai soleil          (2 min)                                                                             Jules Massenet
               Sophie's aria from Werther                                                                                      (1842-1912)

Be Kind and Courteous (1:30 min)                                                                                          Benjamin Britten
               Tytania's aria from A Midsummer Night's Dream                                                        (1913-1976)

Try Me Good King: Last words of the wives of Henry VIII (15 min)                                  Libby Larson

               Katherine of Aragon                                                                                                         (b. 1950)
               Anne Boleyn
               Jane Seymour
               Anne of Cleves
               Katherine Howard

Mädchenblumen Lieder, Op. 22 (12 min)                                                                                Richard Strauss
               Kornblumen                                                                                                                         (1864-1949)

Ah! non credea... Ah! non giunge (9 min)                                                                             Vincenzo Bellini
Amina's aria from La Sonnambula                                                                                                (1801-1835)

Julie Nash, Assistant

University of Waterloo Department of Music
Conrad Grebel University College
140 Westmount Rd., Waterloo, ON  N2L 3G6
(519) 885-0220 ext. 24226  Rm. 1104

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