NHC tomorrow

Music Assistant musicast at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Mar 20 13:32:56 EDT 2012

Dear faculty and staff:
Please consider this your cordial invitation to tomorrow's Noon Hour Concert and CD Release Concert, Paraguay Primeval at Conrad Grebel chapel, 12:30 pm, featuring the music of Grebel's own Carol Ann Weaver, born out of her own experiences in the Chaco nearly three years ago as well as the literary expressions of various writers about the Mennonites' experience in Paraguay.  Come prepared to buy one of Carol's brand-new CDs.  Hope to see you there.

Paraguay Primeval  (texts indicated at each song)                                                     all music by Carol Ann Weaver

Asunción to Chaco [soundscape of CAW's recordings, Paraguay, 2009.  Photos
      of Asunción and Chaco by Myra Weaver, Dorothy Jean Weaver and CAW]

Puerto Casado [text: Dora Dueck, Under The Still Standing Sun]
      (trek from Russia to Chaco via Puerto Casado contains doubts but also joy for the new "Promised Land")

Well Water [text: Lenchen Klassen Esau in Schoenbrunn Chronicles, tr. Henry & Esther Regehr]
      (extreme Chaco heat causes well water to remain "hardly drinkable")

Uncle Hans [text: Marlene Derksen in Schoenbrunn Chronicles]
      (Uncle Hans is lowered into a well to remove sand. Complicated consequences make him a hero.)

November Eleven [text: Johann Regehr in Schoenbrunn Chronicles]
      (Typhoid fever tragically claims members of the Harms family in Schoenbrunn Colony)

Women's Village [text: Herta Franz in Schoenbrunn Chronicles]
        (Freidensheim village was settled by women who lost their husbands in Russia during Stalin years)

Tango - If They'd Have Tangoed (maybe these Mennonites did tango like the Latinos; we're not sure!,
      but here's a tango in "3" for the Trinity, and also to remind them of German waltzes!)

Der Mond (The Moon) [text: Agnes Balzer in Schönbrunn Geschichten, the original source]
      (original text of "Chacoheimat" lauds the moon, crickets and nightingale in the new homeland)

Chaco Christmas [text: Rudy Wiebe, Blue Mountains of China]
      (Christmas in the dead of Chaco summer with still, hot air, dramatic lightening, and German carols)

Lengua Women [text: Rudy Wiebe, Blue Mountains of China]
      (indigenous Lengua women walk like "stallions in spring" while Mennonite women stoop with humility)

Chaco Spring [text: Agnes Balzer in Schoenbrunn Chronicles]
        ("springtime is at the door . . . and the whole world is a singing choir!" - Balzer)

Julie Nash, Assistant

University of Waterloo Department of Music
Conrad Grebel University College
140 Westmount Rd., Waterloo, ON  N2L 3G6
(519) 885-0220 ext. 24226  Rm. 1104

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