UW Fine Arts + UWAG Presents MFA Thesis 2 opening Thursday May 2 from 5:00-8:00 pm
Jurakic, Ivan
ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Apr 30 15:34:51 EDT 2013
University of Waterloo Fine Arts Presents
MFA Thesis 2
May 2–18, 2013
Opening Reception: Thursday, May 2 from 5:00–8:00 pm
Gallery One
Nicholas Breton
The Gesture and the Drip
The Gesture and The Drip investigates our increasing reliance on digital media as a means to encounter and view works of art online as a form of photographic documentation. This body of work attempts to place greater significance on the human gesture in contrast to the loss of human presence that often accompanies such digital documentation. The gesture and the drip are recurring mark making elements that can be traced throughout my work. Occasionally, these gestures are the physical mark made by my hand but in other instances they are the result of reproduced images and patterns that have been silk-screened onto the surface of the canvas. The actual and reproduced gestures become interchangeable. My paintings encompass the paradox of the authentic and the mediated gesture.
Gallery Two
Jessica Massard
Possibly, Maybe
Possibly, Maybe is an exhibition of polychromatic, process-based objects made out of acrylic paint. Working with and against the limits of the material, the paint is systematically cast, peeled, stretched and rolled colour by colour transforming it into three-dimensional hybrid forms. The working process I have devised is predetermined and regulated, yet the element of chance is integral to the work due to its material constraints. I am exploring the sculptural potential and plasticity of a material that is traditionally used for painting. While acrylic is a relatively new material, designed to be durable and long lasting, the forms I create out of it are vulnerable to climate, time and gravity which counters the plastic's perceived resilience. As a result, this body of work signals opulence, abundance and visual splendour as well as the inevitability of physical and material decay. www.jessicamassard.com
Please join us in celebrating the thesis exhibitions of these promising emerging artists.
Both exhibitions are free and open to the public.
University of Waterloo Art Gallery, East Campus Hall 1239
Fine Arts Office: 519.888.4567 ext. 36923 finearts.uwaterloo.ca
Gallery: 519.888.4567 ext. 33575 uwag.uwaterloo.ca
Tuesday to Saturday
12:00-5:00 pm
Or by appointment
Ivan Jurakic, Director / Curator
519.888.4567 ext. 36741
ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca
263 Phillip Street, Waterloo, ON
Located in East Campus Hall on Phillip Street off University Avenue West, behind University Plaza
Use South entrance to ECH across from Engineering 6
Please Note: Philip Street is closed for construction so approach via Columbia Street West
Limited meter parking is available behind ECH
Visitor Parking is available in Lot E6, E5 or Lot B after 3:45 pm
UW Fine Arts | University of Waterloo Art Gallery
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1
Images (left to right): Nicholas Breton, The Gesture and the Drip (detail), oil and acrylic on canvas, 2013. Jessica Massard, Possibly, Maybe (installation detail), 2013. Images courtesy of the artists.
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