Wubnig Essay Prize -- Call for nominations

Shannon Dea sjdea at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Feb 25 20:01:39 EST 2013

Dear colleagues,

The Department of Philosophy is seeking nominations for the Judy WubnigEssay
Prize in Philosophy.  There are two such prizes -- one graduate and one
undergraduate -- each valued at $500.  Essays from any discipline are
eligible, so long as those essays concern the history of philosophy,
broadly construed.  If one or more of your students submits/submitted an
eligible essay to you in the period spanning Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2011,
please nominate her/him/them for the award by sending me a copy (electronic
or paper) of the essay(s) by no later than Mon., March 11, 2013.  The terms
of reference are reproduced below for your information.  Please do not
hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.

Shannon Dea
Chair, Canadian Philosophical Association Equity Committee
Secretary-Treasurer, Charles Sanders Peirce Society
Associate Professor
Faculty of Arts Teaching Fellow
Associate Chair, Undergraduate Studies
Department of Philosophy
University of Waterloo
200 University Ave. W.
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1
(519) 888-4567 (ext. 32778)
FAX (519) 746-3097 <%28519%29%20746-3097>


1.    One prize valued at $500.00 annually, funded by an annual donation
from Dr. Wubnig, will be paid out from an expendable fund account. [One
prize at the graduate level, one prize at the undergraduate level]
2.    The prize will be given to a [...] student who writes the best essay
on the History of Philosophy.
3.    The recipient will be selected by a committee of Faculty members from
the department of Philosophy.  The committee will be chaired by the
Philosophy department Chair who will also appoint the committee members.


No application required.
Faculty members will submit the best essay on the "History of Philosophy"
from each related course to the Selection Committee who will choose the
best essay from all the entries.
The Selection Committee will meet in March each year to review submissions.

Should the Selection Committee determine that no essay is deemed worthy of
the prize, no award will be granted in that year.
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