October 4th WICI seminar with Dr. Sheldon Solomon
Sherilee Diebold-Cooze
sdiebold at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Sep 25 13:41:31 EDT 2013
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Upcoming WICI Seminar!
On Friday, October 4th, 2013 from 3-5pm in QNC 1502, Dr. Sheldon Solomon, Professor of Psychology at Skidmore College, NY, will present an overview of cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker. All are welcome!
Reserve your (free) ticket on the event's page here<http://wici.ca/new/event/sheldon-solomon/>.
Dr. Solomon will present an overview of cultural anthropologist Ernest Becker's ideas about how the uniquely human fear of death has a pervasive effect on human beings' thoughts, feelings, and behavior. According to Becker, humans manage the terror of death by adhering to culturally constructed beliefs about reality that provide a sense that one is a person of value in a world of meaning, and thus eligible for either literal or symbolic immortality. The quest for immortality underlies some of humankind's most noble achievements. However, it also engenders some of our most ignominious affectations, including: hostility and disdain for people with different beliefs; indifference to, or contempt for, the natural environment; and, the mindless pursuit of material possessions-which, if unchecked, may render humans the first form of life responsible for their own extinction. Solomon will provide an overview of empirical work in support of Becker's claims, and conclude by pondering the implications of these ideas for individual and social behavior.
Next Scheduled Event
Speaker: Chris Eliasmith, Professor of Philosophy and Design Systems Engineering, Director of the Centre for Theoretical Neuroscience at University of Waterloo
Title: Handling the complexities of large-scale brain models
Date: Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013, 2-4PM
Location: Mathematics 3, room 2134
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