"Can a simple sticker help us act on climate change?" Invitation to a special event in our community
Our Horizon
ourhorizonuw at gmail.com
Wed Apr 30 00:59:01 EDT 2014
I'm writing as a graduate student in the new Master of Climate Change (MCC)
program in the Faculty of Environment, and a representative of the *Our
Horizon UW Club, *a student group working to take tangible local action on
climate change in our community. We'd like to personally invite you to an
exciting *free public event *on this theme happening next *Thursday, May
8th at 7pm, **CIGI campus* (67 Erb St W, Waterloo). Tickets can be reserved
in advance through Eventbrite
Climate change is an increasingly serious issue effecting Canadian
communities everywhere, including municipal finances and services. In
response to this, Canadian non-profit *Our Horizon *is proposing a novel
solution to both increase public engagement and, most importantly, *shift
markets in a more sustainable direction and incent innovation* through the
use of providing *direct messaging on climate change with visual gas pump
At a public talk, founder and municipal lawyer Rob Shirkey will
address the *psychology,
economics, and law* regarding the implementation of this initiative at the
municipal level. The idea was recently included as an item for future
consideration in the Waterloo Region Climate Action Plan. We hope you can
join, and will consider sharing this invitation with anyone else you feel
might be interested - through initiatives such as this, we *all* have the
power to take tangible, pragmatic action on climate change. Please *reserve
your free seat* through Eventbrite
For more information, and to share:
- *Visit* *Our Horizon's* main site <http://ourhorizon.org/cigi/> and event
page <https://www.facebook.com/events/411406932337576/>
- *Watch* Rob Shirkey's TEDx
- *View* the attached event poster
- *Attend* the event!
*The event will be moderated by Eric Rumble*, Editor-in-Chief at
Waterloo's *Alternatives
Journal*. There will be time set aside for audience Q&A, so please bring
your considered thoughts/questions. Thank you - we hope to see you there!
*Kai Reimer-Watts*
*Our Horizon UW Club *
*www.ourhorizon.org <http://www.ourhorizon.org>*
*Master of Climate Change (MCC) candidate University of Waterloo*
*"It's our world. Make it better."*
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