Correction: Studies in Island Speaker Series: Islamophobia: What is in a name? Analysis of US Press Coverage of the Term after 9/11, March 14
Sherilee Diebold-Cooze
sdiebold at
Wed Feb 26 15:24:42 EST 2014
Studies in Islam Speaker Series
Dr. Eid Mohamed
*Research Fellow, Balsillie School of International Affairs, UWaterloo
*Adjunct Professor, University of Guelph
Islamophobia: What is in a name? Analysis of
US Press Coverage of the Term after 9/11
Using the coverage in the U.S. newspapers post September
11, 2001, this talk will uncover the multifaceted use of the
term, "Islamophobia". Even though the term Islamophobia
was used commonly in the U.S. press after 9/11, Dr. Mohamed
argues that, owing to its multiple definitions, Islamophobia
became an ambiguous term.
About the Speaker
Dr. Eid Mohamed received his doctorate in American Studies
from George Washington University, where he specialized in
Middle Eastern Studies, modern Arab history and culture, and
US-Middle East encounter. He has taught both in the U.S. and the
Middle East. His research interests are centered on the significant
interplay of religion, pop culture and politics and the role they
play in shaping the complex relation between America and the
nations and peoples of the Middle East. His forthcoming book is
entitled: Arab Occidentalism: Images of America in the Middle East.
Friday, March 14, 2014
6:30-8:00 pm
Dunker Family Lounge, Renison University College
University of Waterloo, 240 Westmount Road N
Free parking in Renison lot!
The lecture is free, registration is required.
ipandit at<mailto:ipandit at>
519.884.4404 ext. 28668
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