Da Capo season opens this month

Angelica Allen a26allen at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Nov 5 14:47:56 EST 2015


Our 2015-2016 opens this month!

We have an exciting season ahead, with exceptional guest artists, world premieres, and thought-provoking programming.  It all kicks off in November, with "Winding Toward Peace"...

Visit Our Website<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001v8JUmi1m-HZKfkLVp-ypl5PEIsN68Ozgmk9F7b_CIRdTE_-gNAk-9MrLiLJfWwBx3ZwowQqcZ_BZXXA8joPN3bPxMlVT9QsFTzPtWm-VupHEfQCarCGNEbuRt2AXQH1jUc4vwn66i11lBZo9YI6pMfpXYpxKbD35mjqtV1pshpms5ZRUqXM5fw==&c=4VbOtlV832B0-l1U5AErbTDnK9ANYlmM6zyXVyDUBot-6OprlSP_8A==&ch=NQD2lmNeTeGM60i7PzM-aUnuzvcA980QuZCIwXjrKU8QB72_zQmHcg==>


Winding Toward Peace...

As always, our program is scheduled to fall near Remembrance Day, considering through music both aspirations for peace and the folly of war.

This year, we are thrilled to welcome guitarist Kevin Ramessar as our guest collaborator.

Featuring the four-movement suite by Jeffrey Van, A Procession Winding Around Me: a setting of four Civil War poems by Walt Whitman. Also including works by James Rolfe, Ruth Watson Henderson, Mark Sirett, Kathleen Allan, and Leonard Enns.

Saturday November 14th, 8pm - *at St. John's Lutheran, Waterloo*
Sunday November 15th, 3pm - *at St. John the Evangelist, Kitchener*

(please note that our regular locations are swapped this November,
with Saturday night in Waterloo and Sunday afternoon in Kitchener!)

Adults - $25
Seniors (65+) - $20
Post-secondary students - $15
eyeGO/children - $5
Order your tickets today - with no online service fees!<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001v8JUmi1m-HZKfkLVp-ypl5PEIsN68Ozgmk9F7b_CIRdTE_-gNAk-9HRqaxw7ejjiAZvuPeoGaa7hL0R8doNiXb2ECtYFNPSLZpAzKvtx3rRmMvrOy8kdgeBMMk-y5Knr4P8A3i2td1AdStsGuxISSEpLdTy4X4P6FVPH1PaQCtU4ejn6-hgIo5TAcam2NYWD5F6qRdkXohbo-MZgRBjkqg==&c=4VbOtlV832B0-l1U5AErbTDnK9ANYlmM6zyXVyDUBot-6OprlSP_8A==&ch=NQD2lmNeTeGM60i7PzM-aUnuzvcA980QuZCIwXjrKU8QB72_zQmHcg==>


The Extraordinary Kevin Ramessar

Our featured guest artist is KW's own amazing Kevin Ramessar, currently dividing his time between NYC and KW.  In addition to performing in "Beautiful: The Carole King Musical" on Broadway and touring with The Doo Wop Project in the States, he is also a sessional instructor at the University of Waterloo and working on music for a new recording. We are thrilled to be joined by Ramessar for this concert; it has been our dream for some time to present a concert featuring this rarely-heard combination of choir and guitar.  He will shine on the Jeffrey Van piece, with its fresh and compelling writing for choir and guitar, coming from the mind of Van who himself is a guitarist.  Apart from collaborating with DaCapo on that suite, Ramessar will also perform several solo works.
Learn more about Kevin...<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001v8JUmi1m-HZKfkLVp-ypl5PEIsN68Ozgmk9F7b_CIRdTE_-gNAk-9IVcKMUk6XhaFW7bpNUpbk3zrHx8dbtp0YxWRBqYZ3AkTrpzWC0Zg5Phw86LtN3W_irbM4FkWdRROaW5GzReuRcPXnVxOhbkeNrkjnIK_l9hvbGKUBBNcq9wrNK4bd-bwg==&c=4VbOtlV832B0-l1U5AErbTDnK9ANYlmM6zyXVyDUBot-6OprlSP_8A==&ch=NQD2lmNeTeGM60i7PzM-aUnuzvcA980QuZCIwXjrKU8QB72_zQmHcg==>

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