Faculty of Arts Orientation 2016 update
Stephanie Bromley
sbromley at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Aug 22 13:30:03 EDT 2016
It's Stephanie Bromley the Arts Student Engagement Officer. I wanted to share an update about Orientation 2016 and to challenge you to get involved! We have two excellent opportunities for you and your colleagues, so read on!
Orientation Week runs from September 4 to September 10. Our student staff Joel Le Forestier (SDS/PSYCH), Rachel Warner (SPCOM), Nolan Finkelstein (HIST) and Amy Zhou (ENGL/ECON) - the Faculty of Arts Federation Orientation Committee 2016 (Arts FOC) and I, are in our final weeks of preparation. We're excited to see some really great programming come together for Orientation 2016. We also have over 120 enthusiastic Arts Leaders who have been training all summer to make Orientation Week 2016 outstanding.
Helpful Resources during Orientation Week
Helping students find their way and feel welcome in Arts is our priority. The following will be helpful in case you need to support a new student during the week.
* Orientation schedule: https://uwaterloo.ca/orientation/first-year-students/schedule
* Learn more about Orientation: https://uwaterloo.ca/orientation/
* Orientation FAQ: https://uwaterloo.ca/orientation/frequently-asked-questions
Arts Orientation theme 2016 release
* Expedition Arts
* Watch the approved theme release video<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm1Zv7ZM13Q&feature=youtu.be> created by our Arts FOC and their student volunteer Media Team.
* Attached is the Arts Orientation 2016 logo.
We're only asking for 30 minutes to 2 hours of your time. That's it!
Here are two fantastic opportunities for you to get involved and win a participation prize for your department. Email me with how you'd like to participate.
Basic duties
Approximate Times
Tuesday September 6
Arts "Homecoming" Parade
(ML stairs/Arts Quad)
Help welcome our new students to their new home in Arts!
* Music, cheering, dancing, waving.
* A warm welcome as students flood into the Arts Quad for the first time!
9:20am - 9:50am
Bring as many people as you can find!
Department with highest participation rate WINS A PRIZE!!!
Tuesday, September 6
Annual Dean's Lunch
NEW for 2016: Dean's lunch is a BBQ style picnic!
Help with the Dean's lunch serving, speaking to new students as they get their food, and helping with crowd control. We also need help with set-up and clean-up if you prefer.
Lunch and a tee-shirt is provided.
11:00 - 12:00/
Take a risk and take a role!
We promise you'll have fun.
Arts Events Highlights 2016
Tuesday, 6 September
Arts Parade; Arts Quad (morning)
Earn Your Shades & Shade Salutation; Arts Quad (morning)
Wednesday, 7 September
Academic Expedition; Hagey Hall (morning)
* Don Fraser; Keynote workshop
* Tips and Tricks for Academic Success
* Campus Confessions Student Panel
* Mind-hacks: Stress Reduction workshop
* The Myth of Failure
* The Library. More Than Just Books!
Amazing Race Scavenger Hunt; cross campus (afternoon)
Arts Send-off; Arts Quad (4:30pm)
I thank you for your interest, support, and hopefully your participation as we work to build community in the Faculty of Arts and to welcome our new students as they begin their next academic journey with us.
Thank you very much,
Stephanie Bromley
Student Engagement Officer
Orientation Advisor
Faculty of Arts, University of Waterloo
PAS 2439
519-888-4567 ext., 33603
skype: stephanie.bromley
From: Stephanie Bromley
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2016 4:35 PM
To: artsannounce at artsservices.uwaterloo.ca
Cc: Bill Chesney <wchesney at uwaterloo.ca>; Katherine Acheson <koa at uwaterloo.ca>; Julia Roberts <robertsj at uwaterloo.ca>; Paige Doherty <paige.doherty at uwaterloo.ca>; John Arnou <jarnou at uwaterloo.ca>; Jay Smith <jay.smith at uwaterloo.ca>; Maria Elyse Vermeer <maria.vermeer at uwaterloo.ca>; Jeff Newell <jeff.newell at uwaterloo.ca>; Arts Orientation <artsorie at uwaterloo.ca>; AUO Recruit <auorecru at uwaterloo.ca>; Arts Recruitment <artsrecruitment at uwaterloo.ca>; Kristina Bartold <kbartold at uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: Faculty of Arts Orientation 2016 release
It's Stephanie Bromley the Arts Student Engagement Officer. Orientation is often a mystery for faculty and staff. I invite you to learn more about Arts Orientation. Your understanding of and enthusiasm for this transition program will go a long way in supporting and welcoming our new students.
When is fall Orientation?
Waterloo Orientation is one of the largest orientation programs in North America and one of the only ones that is student-led, utilizing student volunteers. Fall Orientation<https://uwaterloo.ca/orientation/> will run from September 4 to 10, 2016 with classes taking place on September 8 and 9.
In October 2015, the University of Waterloo Senate approved a three-year pilot run of a fall reading break, to be introduced in the 2016-2017 academic year. This change has provided the opportunity for the Orientation Working Group<https://uwaterloo.ca/orientation/planning-process-2016/get-involved> to re-vision Orientation 2016 to best meet the needs of our new students. We've been working with students, faculty, staff, and campus partners to create an Orientation program that:
* is developed collaboratively with broad consultation with students, staff, faculty and campus partners;
* reflects the mission of Orientation and also considers this Orientation as a piece of a larger student transition process;
* is based on best practices, research, and understanding of successful first-year Orientation experiences;
* ensures a continued positive student leadership opportunity for upper-year students; and
* works from the best elements of previous Orientations, while leveraging this opportunity to develop a program that responds to the current needs of the campus community.
The more we all understand the student transition experience (Arts summer transition<https://uwaterloo.ca/arts-101-incoming-student-resource/>, Orientation<https://uwaterloo.ca/orientation/>, and Arts Course Selection<https://uwaterloo.ca/arts/current-undergraduates/course-selection/fall-new-students>) the better equipped we'll all be to support student success in the Faculty of Arts.
Arts Orientation 2016 details
Orientation Week is a combination of academic support and community-building focused on new student transition (first-years, transfers, grad students, etc.) and is a critical transition moment for new students. We're working hard to ensure all students receive relevant and engaging academic and social programming. For 2016 we're focusing on just-in-time academic programming, Arts community building activities, and are adding an element of choice in programming for our new students.
I'm pleased to introduce Joel Le Forestier (SDS/PSYCH), Rachel Warner (SPCOM), Nolan Finkelstein (HIST) and Amy Zhou (ENGL/ECON) - the Faculty of Arts Federation Orientation Committee 2016 (Arts FOC). The Arts FOC role, and the time commitment required, is extensive with over 1000 VOLUNTEER hours by the end of Orientation Week. These enthusiastic students were hired for this volunteer position last November and have been busy:
* recruiting, training, and mentoring over 175 Arts student Leaders - all volunteers;
* building community and strong ties within the Arts student leader teams so they can best support our new students;
* developing meaningful Arts programming for the summer months and for fall Orientation 2016.
Arts Orientation theme 2016 release
* Expedition Arts
* Watch the approved theme release video<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xm1Zv7ZM13Q&feature=youtu.be> created by our Arts FOC and their Media Team.
* Attached is the Arts Orientation 2016 logo.
* The secret Arts dance...is...well...secret until Orientation Week!
How can I get involved?
Interested in meeting and welcoming our new students?
We'll be providing "ask me" buttons for all faculty and staff to wear during Orientation Week and the first full week of class, but you can also get involved during Orientation Week at the following events:
Please let me know how you're interested in helping out.
Basic duties
Approximate Times
Tuesday September 6
Arts "Homecoming" Parade
(SLC to ML)
(ML stairs/Arts Quad)
Help welcome our new students to their new home in Arts! Music, cheering, dancing, waving - a warm welcome as students flood into the Arts Quad for the first time!
* Parade marchers, Arts Quad greeters, cheering section
Tuesday, September 6
Annual Dean's Lunch
Help with the Dean's lunch by serving, speaking to new students as they get their food, and helping with crowd control. We also need help with set-up and clean-up if you prefer. Lunch and a tee-shirt is provided.
NEW for 2016: Dean's lunch is a BBQ style picnic!
* Set-up, servers, greeters
Wednesday, September 7
"Academic Expedition" - Academic Success
Help new students get ready for class!
Donuts and lunch provided
* Greeters, people movers, floaters, conversationalists
* Professor and staff panelists
Thank you for your support!
Stephanie Bromley
Student Engagement Officer
Orientation Advisor
Faculty of Arts, University of Waterloo
PAS 2439
519-888-4567 ext., 33603
skype: stephanie.bromley
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