Lois Andison publication launch on January 15 at Type Books, Toronto

Jurakic, Ivan ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca
Mon Jan 11 16:24:23 EST 2016

lois andison relay
Catalogue Launch
Friday January 15 from 7-9 PM
Type Books
883 Queen Street West, Toronto

relay is a catalogue surveying the multidisciplinary art practice of Toronto-based Lois Andison. Celebrating a fifteen-year period of artistic production ranging from kinetic sculpture to text-based art and video installation, this 144-page publication features essays by Ann MacDonald, Ihor Holubizky, and Jonathan Shaughnessy.

Co-published by the Doris McCarthy Gallery at the University of Toronto Scarborough, Rodman Hall Art Centre/Brock University, the University of Waterloo Art Gallery, and Olga Korper Gallery, this catalogue has been made possible with the generous support of the Robert Harding Humanities and Social Sciences Endowment Fund, Toronto Arts Council, Ontario Arts Council, and the Canada Council for the Arts.

Lois Andison is an Associate Professor of Fine Arts at the University of Waterloo. She has exhibited internationally in Toronto, Montréal, Lethbridge, Mexico City, Boston, Buffalo and New York. Her work can be found in private and corporate collections including the National Gallery of Canada, Bank of Montreal and the Donovan Collection. Lois Andison is represented by Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto and Art Mûr, Montréal.

Please join us for the launch of this impressive catalogue.
For more information please contact:

Ivan Jurakic, Director / Curator
University of Waterloo Art Gallery
East Campus Hall | ECH 1239
519.888.4567 ext. 36741
ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca

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