Undergraduate Thesis Research

achouina at uwaterloo.ca achouina at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Jan 26 12:37:39 EST 2016


I am not completely sure how this platform works but it was  
recommended to me. My name is Amanda Chouinard, I am a 4B student in  
Environment and Resource Studies doing my fourth year thesis under the  
supervision of Dr. Sarah Wolfe. As part of my research I am conducting  
an online survey targeted at undergraduate students; my hope is to  
reach students from all faculties.

I was wondering if a short message with a link to my survey could be  
posted on Arts Announce or if users could share it with their  
students? It has gained ethics approval and it is about clothing  
purchasing behaviour and knowledge of environmental impacts. Let me  
know if this might be a possibility and I can send the message to be  

Amanda Chouinard

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