Last Call for Elinor Whidden + Barbara Hobot at UWAG closing March 5

Jurakic, Ivan ijurakic at
Tue Mar 1 13:40:01 EST 2016

Last Chance to see both of these stunning exhibitions
Exhibitions close on Saturday, March 5

Gallery One
Elinor Whidden

Over the last decade, Elinor Whidden has travelled across Canada and the United States staging situations that challenge the prevailing myth of the North American frontier. Combining performance, photography, and sculptural installations, the artist situates herself as an ersatz explorer, supplanting the historical role of the frontiersman. Developed between 2007-2014, this collection of staged photographs and proxy artifacts explores how deeply the “discovery” of North America is tied to artifacts of colonialism, and how this can subsequently be linked to the subjugation of the landscape and the proliferation of the automobile—a beacon of progress that the artist poignantly deconstructs as an emblem of cultural and environmental degradation.

Artist's Talk: Elinor Whidden on Wednesday March 2 at noon in ECH 1219

Gallery Two
Barbara Hobot
Strong Bonds

Barbara Hobot’s multidisciplinary artworks are made from objects that have been manipulated, traced, and translated from one medium into another. A drawing might be the basis for a sculpture, which then in turn becomes a collage. By taking spatial and material cues from one work and introducing these to another form or medium, her process suggests an underlying unity between disparate elements. Each gesture is determined as much by chance as it is by the artist’s speculation about the desires of inanimate things. Hobot’s aim is to create a circumstance in which the artworks themselves appear to be self-generating. Barbara Hobot is represented by Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto.

Exhibitions are free and open to the public.

University of Waterloo Art Gallery
East Campus Hall 1239
519.888.4567 ext. 33575

Tuesday to Saturday 12:00-5:00 PM
Or by appointment

Ivan Jurakic, Director / Curator
519.888.4567 ext. 36741
ijurakic at

263 Phillip Street, Waterloo
Located in East Campus Hall (ECH) on Phillip Street off University Avenue West, behind University Shops Plaza
Use south entrance to ECH across from Engineering 6

Visitor Parking is available in Lot E6 for a flat rate of $5.00

University of Waterloo Art Gallery
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1

Images (left to right): Elinor Whidden, Rearview (installation detail). Barbara Hobot, Strong Bonds (installation detail). Photos: Scott Lee.
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