Faculty of Arts 3 Minute Thesis

Megan Hood megan.hood at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Mar 8 11:11:15 EST 2016

Join us for the Faculty of Arts 3 Minute Thesis competition and learn about our graduate students' outstanding ideas - in three minutes flat!

Competitors are given three minutes and the use of one static slide to present the breadth and significance of their graduate research to a non-specialist audience and a panel of Arts judges.

The event will take place on Friday, March 11th, from 3:30-6:00pm in HH 1101.

Here are just a few of the exciting presentations you can expect to see:

  *   Gods and Monsters: Drag Bodies and Nineteenth-Century British Art and Literature


Cripping Frankenfish: Analyzing our material-semiotic interactions with genetically modified salmon


Nation to Nation: Evaluating affordances for decolonizing communication within the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada and the Idle No More


Perk or hurdle? Exploring the benefits of safety behaviour use in socially anxious individuals

The top competitor(s) from the Arts heat will then advance to the University-wide 3MT competition – where the winner receives a $1000 prize and the opportunity to compete at the 3MT provincial finals.

Please join us on Friday to support the graduate students in the Faculty of Arts as they compete for a spot in the 3MT University of Waterloo finals.

More details: https://uwaterloo.ca/arts/events/faculty-arts-3-minute-thesis-heat-1
Megan Hood
Communications and Graduate Recruitment Officer
Faculty of Arts<https://uwaterloo.ca/arts>, University of Waterloo
PAS 2426 | 519 888-4567 x 37958
@uwaterlooARTS<https://twitter.com/uwaterlooARTS> | facebook.com/waterlooartsgrad<https://www.facebook.com/waterlooartsgrad> | linkedin.com/company/university-of-waterloo-arts-graduate-studies/<http://www.linkedin.com/company/university-of-waterloo-arts-graduate-studies/>
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