FW: Invitation to the Keyfitz Lecture in Mathematics and the Social Sciences

Juli-Ann Sannuto jsannuto at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Apr 25 14:24:19 EDT 2017

From: Malgosia Ip [mailto:mip at fields.utoronto.ca]
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2017 1:11 PM
To: Douglas Peers <dpeers at uwaterloo.ca>; Juli-Ann Sannuto <jsannuto at uwaterloo.ca>
Subject: Invitation to the Keyfitz Lecture in Mathematics and the Social Sciences

This year's presentation "Insights Into Human Survival" will be delivered by Professor Noreen Goldman from Princeton University and we believe this topic is of interest to your department and community.

For more information on this lecture series, please visit our website<http://www.fields.utoronto.ca/activities/keyfitz-lecture-mathematics-and-social-sciences> or feel free to contact me by e-mail or phone.

Thank you in advance!


The Fields Institute is pleased to host the 2017 Keyfitz Lecture in Mathematics and the Social Sciences on May 25, 2017 at 6 pm. The event will be held in room 230 of the Fields Institute (222 College Street, Toronto, ON).

This year's presentation "Insights Into Human Survival" will be delivered by Dr. Noreen Goldman from Princeton University.

Why do never-married persons typically die earlier than their married counterparts?

Why do Latinos in the US live longer than non-Latino whites despite having lower education, lower income, and poorer access to healthcare?

Inspired by the simple, yet elegant, mathematical models of Nathan Keyfitz, Goldman will describe her work using basic mathematical and statistical tools to understand the, sometimes surprising, societal inequalities in survival.

We hope you can join us!

Kind Regards,

Malgosia Ip
Communications/Development Officer
The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences

Malgosia Ip
Communications/Development Officer
The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
mip at fields.utoronto.ca<mailto:mip at fields.utoronto.ca>
(416) 348-9710 x 3024
Twitter/Instagram/Facebook: @fieldsinstitute

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