UWAG presents Michel de Broin + Soheila Esfahani opening Thu Nov 9, 5-8 pm
Jurakic, Ivan
ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Nov 7 11:07:53 EST 2017
Opening Reception: Thursday November 9, 5:00–8:00 pm
+ MFA Open Studios: Thursday November 9, 4:00–7:00 pm
Gallery One
Michel de Broin
Artist Presentation: Wednesday November 8 at noon, ECH 1219
Blowback is an imposing symbol of military power and a state of emergency that has been escalating since the conclusion of the Second World War. The life-sized sculpture is composed of a pair of conjoined replicas of an M2A1 Howitzer which fires a 105mm artillery shell, one of the most ubiquitous and effective pieces of military hardware ever manufactured. As described by the artist, this deadly marriage or “amorous sabotage” demonstrates the precarious balance of power in the modern world and the absurd yet disturbingly real possibility of mutually assured destruction as nations continue to march headlong from one crisis to another. Michel de Broin is represented by Galerie Division Montréal/Toronto. http://micheldebroin.org
Gallery Two
Soheila Esfahani
The Immigrants
Artist Presentation: Wednesday November 15 at noon, ECH 1219
The Immigrants features an accumulation of hand-made porcelain birds decorated in culturally specific designs, displayed alongside found blue & white porcelain birds that the artist collected at souvenir shops and flea markets during her travels. The birds evoke the movement of culture from one place to another by both immigrants and tourists. In considering these objects the artist invites viewers to question the complexities inherent in the dissemination of culture, and the potential for misrepresentation and appropriation in the wake of globalization and the mass production of similarly disposable artifacts. Soheila Esfahani is a lecturer at the University of Waterloo and a member of the Red Head Gallery, Toronto. http://soheila.ca
Please join us for this compelling pair of exhibitions
Exhibitions are free and open to the public
University of Waterloo Art Gallery
East Campus Hall 1239
519.888.4567 ext. 33575
Ivan Jurakic, Director / Curator
519.888.4567 ext. 36741
ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca
Tuesday to Saturday 12:00-5:00 pm or by appointment
263 Phillip Street, Waterloo
East Campus Hall (ECH) is located north of University Avenue West across from Engineering 6
Visitor Parking is available in Lot B across from Engineering 6 or Lot Q for a flat rate of $5
University of Waterloo Art Gallery
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1
Image credits: Michel de Broin, Blowback (detail), 2013. Blowback appears courtesy of Collection Majudia. Soheila Esfahani, The Immigrants (detail), 2016. Image courtesy of the artist.
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