Raoul Fernandes reads at St Jerome's! Fri 24 Nov 4:30
Tristanne Connolly
tristanne.connolly at uwaterloo.ca
Tue Nov 21 11:17:09 EST 2017
Hello all,
We're thrilled to have poet Raoul Fernandes as our featured reader for November in this year's Languages of Home series.
Please join us at 4:30pm on Friday 24 November in SJ1 3027.
Jenny Dong will be the opening act.
Raoul Fernandes's first collection of poems, Transmitter and Receiver (Nightwood Editions, 2015) won the Dorothy Livesay Award and the Debut-litzer Award for Poetry in 2016 and was a finalist for the Gerald Lampert Memorial Award and the Canadian Authors Association Award for Poetry. He has been published in numerous literary journals and anthologies, including the Best Canadian Poetry 2015. He lives and writes in Vancouver, with his wife and two sons.
The readings are free and all are welcome, so please spread the word! Hope to see you there.
Please visit us at http://canlitkicksass.blogspot.ca<http://canlitkicksass.blogspot.ca/>
We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts, which last year invested $153 million to bring the arts to Canadians throughout the country.
Nous remercions le Conseil des arts du Canada de son soutien. L'an dernier, le Conseil a investi 153 millions de dollars pour mettre de l'art dans la vie des Canadiennes et des Canadiens de tout le pays.
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