Keynote Addresses in BSIA

Rita A Cherkewski rita.cherkewski at
Mon Oct 16 09:06:10 EDT 2017

From: Suzan Ilcan
Sent: October 15, 2017 10:14 AM
To: Rita A Cherkewski <rita.cherkewski at>
Subject: keynotes addresses to be advertised in Arts Announce

Dear Rita,
Could you please advertise the following in Arts Announce?:
Thanks so much.

Two Keynote Addresses are taking place at the Balsillie School of International Affairs (BSIA). The keynote addresses are part of a SSHRC-funded Workshop (8-10 November) on Bordering Practices in Migration and Refugee Protection that is taking place at the BSIA and is organized by Suzan Ilcan (University of Waterloo / BSIA), Kim Rygiel (Wilfrid Laurier / BSIA), and Andrew Thompson (BSIA / University of Waterloo).
See the links below for more information. Registration is required.

Challenging the EU Policy Agenda: Voices of Dissent from the Field
Dr. Vicki Squire (University of Warwick, UK)
When: November 8th, 7pm
Where: BSIA, Room 142

This talk will draw on recent research carried out for the Crossing the Mediterranean Sea by Boat: Mapping and Documenting Migratory Journeys and Experiences project, which carried out over 250 interviews in 2015 and 2016 with people on the move in precarious situations across the Mediterranean Sea. The specified aim of this project is to assess the 2015 European Agenda on Migration (the EU policy framework) from the perspective of people that policy effects most directly: people on the move themselves. More than simply focusing on the journeys and experiences of our research participants, our project from the start has been concerned with the claims and demands that people pose in ‘speaking back’ to the policies that shape these journeys and experiences. Our findings in this sense are more than just findings – they are encounters in which shared stories have been imperfectly translated into policy proposals. Grounded in testimonies which provide a damning critique of the current trajectory of EU policy, the talk reflects on some of the key disjunctures that emerge between policy framings and experiential framings of precarious migrations across the Mediterranean Sea today.

Migration, International Space and New Horizons of the Possible
Dr. Anne McNevin (The New School, New York)
When: November 9th, 12:30-1:50pm
Where: BSIA, Room 142

A common set of assumptions about international space shape contemporary debates about borders and migration. Some of these assumptions are long-standing and indicative of deeply entrenched social, political and cultural norms; others have emerged more recently but have become firmly lodged in governmental logics, policy settings, and popular imaginations. These assumptions provide the starting points for analysis and proposition, determining what needs to be established in order to build a credible case and what can be taken as given. In this talk Anne McNevin examines how this givenness plays out across a spectrum of debate from restrictive to progressive perspectives. She also reflects on critical resources available to enliven new horizons of the possible and new coalitions that engage border politics as more than a case of “seeing like a migrant”.

Suzan Ilcan, PhD
Professor of Sociology
Department of Sociology and Legal Studies,
University of Waterloo, and
Balsillie School of International Affairs
Waterloo, Ontario
Canada N2L 3G1

Director, MA in Global Governance
Balsillie School of International Affairs

519-888-4567 ext 31022
suzan.ilcan at<mailto:suzan.ilcan at>
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