FW: Indigenous cultural sensitivity training opportunity - Aug. 23

Wendy Philpott wphilpott at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Aug 8 09:37:46 EDT 2018

In an effort to continue University of Waterloo's commitment to respond to the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action, I invite you and your team/colleagues to participate in the KAIROS Blanket Exercise.

The Blanket Exercise is an interactive experience, which includes points of reference about the historical and contemporary relationship between Indigenous populations and the imposed colonial systems in Canada.  This activity takes participants through a historical timeline of events that have social, political, economic and racial identity implications for Indigenous populations.

To get a sense of the experience, up to 40 participants stand on blankets laid out on the floor that represent the land of 'Turtle Island' (North America).  The participants will see the perspective of the original peoples of the upper portion of Turtle Island, now known as Canada, while facilitators embody the voices of the European settlers and narrate the history.
The session will be led by Kelly Fran Davis, who is a local Haudenosaunee and B.Ed. Aboriginal Adult Educator, and her team.

I encourage you to attend if you are able to, and invite your colleagues and team members to register as well. The details are below for your reference. If you are unable to attend this session, we hope to offer more in the fall and winter semesters.

Register here: https://uwaterloo.ca/indigenization-strategy/blanket-exercise-august-23-2018

August 23, 2018, 9:30-11:30 am. Location to be determined based upon numbers.
Please feel free to contact Lynn Long, Educational Liaison (l3long at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:l3long at uwaterloo.ca>) should you have any questions,

Diana Parry
Professor, Associate Vice-President, Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion

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