UWAG presents Sovereign Acts opening on Thursday January 11, Waterloo

Jurakic, Ivan ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca
Fri Jan 5 11:45:37 EST 2018

S O V E R E I G N   A C T S
Curated by Wanda Nanibush

Rebecca Belmore
Lori Blondeau
Dayna Danger
James Luna
Shelley Niro
Adrian Stimson
Jeff Thomas

January 11–March 10, 2018
Opening Reception: Thursday January 11, 5:00–8:00 pm
Curator’s Talk: Wednesday February 7, 12:00 pm in ECH 1219

The history of Indigenous Peoples performing cultural dances and practices for international and colonial audiences is an important part of Indigenous art generally, and performance art specifically. The Indigenous performers known as ‘Indians’ faced the conundrum of maintaining traditional cultural practices by performing them on stage while also having that performance fulfill the desires of a colonial imaginary. In Sovereign Acts, the artists Rebecca Belmore, Lori Blondeau, Dayna Danger, James Luna, Shelley Niro, Adrian Stimson, and Jeff Thomas, contend with the legacy of colonial representations. Drawing on the depiction of the imaginary Indian–the ahistorical, pre-contact 'primitivism' in popular and mass culture–they recover and construct new ways of performing the complexity of Indigenous cultures for a contemporary art audience. Their work returns to the multi-leveled history of ‘Performing Indian’ to recuperate the erased and objectified performer as an ancestor, an artist, and an Indigenous subject.

Organized and circulated by the Art Museum at the University of Toronto, with the support of the Leonard and Bina Ellen Art Gallery.

Please join us for this thoughtful and timely exhibition
Exhibition is free and open to the public

University of Waterloo Art Gallery
East Campus Hall 1239
519.888.4567 ext. 33575

Ivan Jurakic, Director / Curator
519.888.4567 ext. 36741
ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca

Tuesday to Saturday 12:00-5:00 pm or by appointment

263 Phillip Street, Waterloo
East Campus Hall (ECH) is located north of University Avenue West across from Engineering 6

Visitor Parking is available in Lot B across from Engineering 6 or Lot Q for a flat rate of $5

University of Waterloo Art Gallery
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1

Image credits: James Luna, Ishi Speaks, 2011 (detail). Courtesy of the artist. Lori Blondeau, Asiniy Ishwew, 2016 (detail). Courtesy of the artist.
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