Hellenic Discoveries Lecture at the ROM Oct. 15

Wendy Philpott wphilpott at uwaterloo.ca
Wed Oct 9 09:23:04 EDT 2019

The Waterloo Institute for Hellenistic Studies, with support from the Hellenic Heritage Foundation, presents senior Greek scholar Professor Kostas Buraselis as he explores the ancient and modern relevance of the Battle of Marathon. Through new analyses of archaeological and historical evidence, Professor Buraselis will discuss the global importance of this moment in Greek history.

Now Professor Emeritus, Kostas Buraselis is a noted expert in the fields of Hellenistic and Roman History, with special interests in the political history of these time periods, the territories of the Greek East and in the ancient Ruler Cult.

WHAT: Thoughts on the Battle of Marathon as a landmark in Greek and Universal History and its current state
WHEN: Tuesday, October 15, 6 PM
WHERE: Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto
MORE INFO and REGISTRATION<https://uwaterloo.ca/waterloo-institute-for-hellenistic-studies/events/hhf-wihs-hellenic-discoveries-lecture-series>

Sent on behalf of the Department of Classical Studies
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