Fw: Climate Strike update & lead up events!

Andrew Houston houston at uwaterloo.ca
Sat Sep 14 17:31:35 EDT 2019

Hello Folks of the Faculty of Arts!

The time to act in response to the climate crisis is coming to the University of Waterloo. Please consider getting involved in any or all of the events listed below.




The UWaterloo community is joining the Global Climate Strike on September 27 — but there is a lot going on in the lead up!

See below for strike-day details, followed by a (long!) list of pre-strike events.

Sept 27th Strike

The UWaterloo community is gathering at 10am in the Arts Quad (outside Porter Library), then proceeding to the Waterloo Town Square, meeting up with the WLU community long the way.

Once on the town square, there will be a series of family-friendly events.  An Indigenous welcome and drumming. Sydney Hannusch<http://uwimprint.ca/article/why-im-protesting-uws-desecration-of-mauna-kea/> speaks. Blue Sky Singers<https://www.facebook.com/blueskysingers/> perform. Church bells ring as part of Bells For Future<https://www.facebook.com/events/722955188165694/>. Musicians gather to play Ode to Joy—any musician is welcome to join in<https://www.jimboe.ca/flash-mob>! Local kids give Greta-inspired short speeches. Adults pledge to give their votes to kids, to vote for a safe climate in the upcoming election. Outside Voices choir<https://outsidevoicescc.ca/> leads us in song. Then everyone is encouraged to return to WLU to help paint the “Climate Is Life” mural (located by the path to the Quad/Veritas Café).

Come to the strike, but don’t miss the lead-up events!….

(Up-to-the-minute details here: http://www.climatestrikewr.ca/)

Sept 15th: Art Build for Climate

3-8pm, The Civic Hub, St. John The Evangelist Anglican Church, 23 Water St. North, Kitchener (free event)


Sept 18th: FAUW Climate Justice Meet-Up (for UWaterloo faculty members)

12-1pm, Grad House Boardroom, 2nd floor

Sept 18th: Climate Strike Teach-In, featuring Amy Smoke and Martin Lukacs

2-3pm, UWaterloo, RCH 307

Free and food provided! Intended for students but open to all.


Sept 18th: “The Trudeau Formula: Seduction and Betrayal in an Age of Discontent” talk with author Martin Lukacs

7-8:30pm, 67 Erb Street West, Waterloo (free event)


Sept 20th onwards: Help paint the "Climate Is Life" mural

Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo Campus, by the path to the Quad/Veritas Café

Contact: kai at bettercreative.ca<mailto:kai at bettercreative.ca>

Sept 23rd: Wilmot’s Climate Emergency Declaration vote

Let’s fill the council chambers!

7–9pm, 60 Snyder’s Road West, Baden


Sept 23rd: Beyond Crisis<https://www.beyondcrisisfilm.com/> film showing, with director Kai Reimer-Watts

6:30-9pm, Princess Twin Cinema, 46 King St N, Waterloo

Sept 24th: Forks Over Knives film screening

7:00pm, Fresh Ground, The Working Centre, 256 King St. E., Kitchener

Fresh Ground Cafe opens at 6:30 pm, serving its plant-based, whole food menu. Movie begins at 7:15 pm, followed by a discussion.

Sept 26th: The Leadership Role of Faith Communities in Response to Climate Change – workshops, dinner, panel
3-5:30pm: Workshops by Sheila Murray, Resilience Project Manager, and Stephen Collette, Building Audit Manager for Faith & the Common Good
6pm: Dinner
7-9 pm: Panel discussion: What could climate justice look like with the leadership of Waterloo Region's faith communities?
St. Mary's Catholic Church, 56 Duke St West, Kitchener (ION stop: Kitchener City Hall)
Everyone is welcome to attend any portion of the event. No entrance fees are required, but freewill offerings will be gratefully accepted.

Sept 27th: Waterloo Region’s Global Climate Strike!

9am onward: First customers at Words Worth Books<http://www.wordsworthbooks.com/> get a free copy of Greta Thunberg’s new book (96 King St. S., Waterloo)

9:30-11am: Climate Strike Prayer Service & Art Build<https://www.facebook.com/events/759732824481688/>, Mary Allen Park (Willow St & Allen St E, Waterloo)

Then after the strike, look out for these additional opportunities to press for bold climate action:

Oct 2nd and 9th: 100 Debates on the Environment in all 5 federal electoral districts in Waterloo Region https://www.100debates.ca/

To get free tickets to each, see details below.  (And here’s summary info on all five Waterloo Region events<http://www.climatestrikewr.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/WR-100-Debates-Poster-V2.2.jpg>.)

Oct 2, 7pm – 9pm

Kitchener Centre<https://www.facebook.com/events/400109333957502/>, WalterFedy Building, Suite #111, 675 Queen St S., Kitchener.

Kitchener South-Hespeler<https://www.facebook.com/events/377576992949900/>, Waterloo Regional Museum, 10 Huron Rd, Kitchener.

Cambridge<https://www.facebook.com/events/382721655991911/>, School of Architecture UofW, 7 Melville St. S., Cambridge.

Oct 9, 7pm – 9pm

Waterloo<https://www.facebook.com/events/2721088784629006/>, UWaterloo’s Theatre of the Arts, UofW Ring Road, Waterloo.

Kitchener Conestoga<https://www.facebook.com/events/715254958891015/>, New Dundee Community Centre, 1028 Queen St., New Dundee.

Oct 15th: Cambridge Climate Emergency Declaration vote

Let’s fill the council chambers!

7-9pm, Cambridge City Hall, 46 Dickson Street, Cambridge


Oct 20th: Benefit Concert for the Environment with Erso<https://erso-music.com/>

1-3pm, Unitarian Universalist Church

Tickets are $15, or $10 if you bike or walk.

More details to come…

[cid:442214e8-87b4-4c8d-9d2f-192dba878fd7 at connect.uwaterloo.ca]

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