UW MFA Thesis 2020: Becca Wijshijer | Tyler Matheson

Ivan Jurakic ivan.jurakic at uwaterloo.ca
Thu Apr 16 10:37:35 EDT 2020

MFA Thesis 2020: Becca Wijshijer | Tyler Matheson
Presented by University of Waterloo Fine Arts and UWAG

In response to the unfortunate cancellation of MFA thesis exhibitions scheduled April 16-May 2 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Fine Arts and University of Waterloo Art Gallery invite you to explore the work of MFA candidates Becca Wijshijer and Tyler Matheson online or via downloadable pdf:




Top 5 Things to do in Berlin, Becca Wijshijer, 2020

Becca Wijshijer
shrimpychip YouTube

shrimpychip YouTube is a series of YouTube videos that explore the ways in which digital intimacy and capitalism intersect. The performances, designed for the platform, strategically exploit the intimacy of the body, home, and notions of privacy in order to highlight the counterintuitive relationships embodied in new digital capitalism. Editing and aesthetics of social platforms are employed to stress the strangeness of these new economic, cultural, social, and private relationships. In documenting myself using AI and search tools, the work functions as a digital archive of actions and perceptions, thereby providing a firsthand account of the body and thoughts as they are mediated by technology. By following trends tirelessly, to the point of the ridiculous, shrimpychip empathizes with Internet culture while amplifying aspects of concern.

Becca Wijshijer is a research-based artist working within digital media. Wijshijer is an MFA candidate at the University of Waterloo, and received a BFA from OCAD University. They have exhibited at La Centrale galerie Powerhouse in Montreal; Supermarket 2019 in Stockholm, Sweden; and are alumni of The Roundtable Residency in Toronto.



untitled (for Felix), Tyler Matheson, 2019

Tyler Matheson
Any other name would smell as sweet

Any other name would smell as sweet is an exploration of personal and shared experiences of feeling queer. This exhibition serves as an aesthetic and material investigation of the performativity of othered bodies, identities, and visibility. The process of becoming and adapting to surroundings is conceptually and experientially present in my work. When creating installations, I employ mirrors and queer-coded reflective materials. By choosing materials that have the visual capability to shift and transform their appearance depending on the viewer’s body and position in relation to the work, I create a spatial dynamism where each individual’s experience is uniquely their own—where the viewer and the work are reliant on each other. In this codependent performance, the gallery becomes a site where viewers can be projected into queer liminal space—a bridge between worlds.

Tyler Matheson is an MFA candidate at the University of Waterloo and received a Bachelor of Fine Art from York University. He has exhibited in Montreal and Toronto. He was awarded a Shantz International Research Scholarship through the University of Waterloo, and worked with German artists Fabian Treiber and Dave Bopp in the summer of 2019. He was a recipient of the 2019 Superframe Framing Fund.


Please check out the work of our MFA candidates during this time of transition.

University of Waterloo Art Gallery

Ivan Jurakic, Director / Curator
ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca<mailto:ijurakic at uwaterloo.ca>

Gallery remains closed until further notice

University of Waterloo Art Gallery
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1

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